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Marshmallon: Discussion

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[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this face-down card is attacked, inflict 1000 damage to the player that attacked it.



This card is extremely useful in Monarchs, or any Deck that uses Tribute Monsters.


What do you think of it?

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Mallon's slight burn would only be good if it wasn't limited to one. Spirit Reaper is definately the best of the immortal monsters however it's destroyed when targeted so it does have a major weakness. Fools are better then Marshmallon in my opinion because you can run three of them.


That's bad logic. The number of possible cards being run does not effect the individual playability of that card unless it is abusable with multiple copies of itself.


Marshmallon is better (in a monarch deck), though there isn't much of a difference, as 1000 burn damage isn't that big of a deal. However, The Fool was used to much success in a Counter Fairy deck that ran Nova Summoner, I believe.

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Mallon's slight burn would only be good if it wasn't limited to one. Spirit Reaper is definately the best of the immortal monsters however it's destroyed when targeted so it does have a major weakness. Fools are better then Marshmallon in my opinion because you can run three of them.


That's bad logic. The number of possible cards being run does not effect the individual playability of that card unless it is abusable with multiple copies of itself.


Marshmallon is better (in a monarch deck)' date=' though there isn't much of a difference, as 1000 burn damage isn't that big of a deal. However, The Fool was used to much success in a Counter Fairy deck that ran Nova Summoner, I believe.


I agree that an individual Marshmallon is better then a Fool but I think you would be better served to try and get many copies of the Fool then looking for Marshmallon since it's basically like having three Marshmallons without the burn element.

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Then why wouldn't you just run 1 Marshmallon and 2 Fools? People tend to use just 1 Spirit Reaper and 1 Marshmallon in their decks, even now with The Fool's release. That's because they find 2 indestructible monsters to be the appropriate number for their deck. (As running too many leads to horrible draws.)


I did run 1 each of The Fool, Mallon, and Reaper in my Monarch deck at one point, but I had to cut Fool for other cards.

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Seeing every one say Mallon is making me lol since my last name is Mallon.


Good card, helpful in most noncompetitive decks. In competitive play I don't see it have much use out side of Monarch.


Also, to those talking about Fools number, it should/will be put to 1 on the next ban list.

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Then why wouldn't you just run 1 Marshmallon and 2 Fools?

That's exactly what I intend to do' date=' I marsh, 2 fools and a reaper. At least until I find something better to replace them with (as soon as I get Valleys they are out the window.)


People tend to use just 1 Spirit Reaper and 1 Marshmallon in their decks, even now with The Fool's release. That's because they find 2 indestructible monsters to be the appropriate number for their deck. (As running too many leads to horrible draws.)


I agree entirely. But if you had to choose one, it would be Fool since you can include multiples.

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