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InuYasha New Jouney( Chapter 1: We Meet Again)

The Dark Prince

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InuYasha and Kagome are married so is Sango and Mokuro. After they killed Naraku and when their ways Four years later a New Evil came Komura. Komura is Naraku son. Now InYasha and Kagome return back to the Feudal japan and defect this new evil. The Battle Begin.








Demon , Half Demon, Human, Monk,or Priests:


Appearance:( Need a picture)




Here my


Name: Shude

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Demon , Half Demon , Human, Monk , or Priests: Half Demon

Parent: Son of Sesshomaru


Weapon: Tusonganu Pop2-Sword.jpg

Bio:Sesshomaru wife die after having Shude. Sesshomaru trained Shunde to be a powerful demon like him. Now Shude and his father Sesshomaru are two strongest demons.

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Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: 296096d3860166m3qn4.png

His weapon is in the picture.

Demon , Half Demon , Human, Monk , or Priests: Half Demon

Bio: Likes to be alone most of the time. If you mess with him he will try to kill you. He does know his parent and sometimes trys to find them. He was droped of by a vally when he was child. So he was destond to train himself and be the best fighter in the world.

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Name: Hatsuya Fox

Age: 17

Gender: M

Appearance: Angelus.jpg

Weapon: In pic.

Bio: He was shunned when he was born. Soon, he found his true potential and decided it was time for those he hated- to die. He is a psychotic person who likes to howl at the crescent moon.

Demon, Half Demon, Monk, Priest: Half Demon

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Name: Hisan Metsumi

Age: 376

Gender: Male

Demon , Half Demon, Human, Monk,or Priests: Half Demon




Weapon: Denkiteki Oni Kira-, A legendary blade that Hisan found in the depths of the underworld it's the only one in existance...

Bio: After discovering the secret to eternal life and finding the Denkiteki Oni Kira- Hisan has become a wandering half demon and has no know goal or ambitions. He was once one of the five overlords that watched over this land. Hisan ruled with great power until he went off to find the secret to eternal life and his new blade

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Name: Draco

Age: 13

Gender: male

Demon , Half Demon, Human, Monk,or Priests: half demon


Appearance: The_Devil_of_The_Sand.jpg

Weapon: blacksword.jpg

Bio: a half demon who knows nothing of his past. He fights with all his might. His power is more powerful than most half demons. Not knowing either of his parents Draco keeps to him self sence he doesn't has good people skills.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Cameron J. Dog



Demon , Half Demon, Human, Monk,or Priests:Half Demon

Parents: Myanla(mother)

Appearance Need a picture)manbyreammarajc5.jpg Half demon-fusionofdragonbyleoosakgk9.jpg


Bio: Abandoned as a kid once the discovered he was a half demon when in the presence of another demon his half demon form is revealed


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