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My Duel Monsters Advanced 'R' Deck

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1-4 lvl monsters

card trooper x3

injection fairy lily x3

morphing jar


snipe hunter x2

treeborn frog


5-12 lvl monsters

cyber dragon x3

goldd wu-lord of darkworld x3


raiza the storm monarch

thestalos the fire-storm monarch x3

zaborg the tunder mionarch



brain control x3 is it limited?

card destruction


dark world lightning x3

heavy storm

limiter removal


nobleman of crossout

nobleman of extermination

pot of avarice

snatch steal

premature burial




call of the haunted


dimension wall

magic cylinder

mirror force


torriential tribute

trap dustshoot


do i need to add/take out any cards?

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You don't need 3 Brain Controls. Using 3 of those and a Premature Burial is practically paying almost half of your Life Points. You can decide how many to take out, but I would only have one if I ran Brain Control in my deck. Also, 3 Injection Fairy Lilys is a bit too much. Again, paying more Life Points. If anything, 2 would be good. I can't really recommend any particular monsters you might want to add in, but I think they should have at least 1900 ATK.

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