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~ Yugioh Card Maker - All The Rules Thread ~


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I just wanted to help out the newbs and noobs about the rules and when they might come here in look of help or spam, they will see this ^_^


[spoiler=Yugioh Card Maker Global Rules]

1.) No profanity, inappropriate material, or content.

2.) No illegal content.

3.) No harassment.

4.) No flaming.

5.) No spamming.

6.) Stay on topic.

7.) No trolling.

8.) No whining.

9.) No begging.

10.) No pornorgraphic material - Not elaborated on.

11.) Signature Restrictions and Rules.

12.) Account Responsibility.

13.) No topics/posts on hacking - Not elaborated on.

14.) No multiple accounts.

15.) No plagiarism - Not elaborated on.

16.) Always read and follow staff messages.

17.) No backseat/mini-modding.

18.) Staff can delete messages or lock threads at any time.

19.) Release of Other User’s Private or Personal Information.

20.) Staff Have Final Say.

21.) No Advertising.

22.) The Reputation System. - NEW!

23.) No Flooding. - NEW!

24.) Other Rules.


For info on these go here: Rules

*All rules here are credited to Frunk and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Realistic Cards Section]

1) Try to keep the Number of Threads you make to a Minimum by placing as many of your cards in one thread as possible, especially if they are part of the same set.

2) Please put your cards in the correct sections, read each sections description before posting. Any cards in this section which belong somewhere else, will be moved by myself, Browarod or Jerry, and maybe even Kaze and Tkill.

3) Do not post your cards in other Peoples threads without that thread makers permission. The only exception to this is if you need to show someone something in order to help or prove a point to someone.

4) All general Site Rules apply here.

5) No double Posts allowed, use the Edit button or your posts will be deleted.

6) If you want your own thread either Moved / Locked or deleted then please say so in the thread Title.

*All rules here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Popculture Section]

1) This section is for cards that are Pop Culture based (Video Game, Band, Tv series, Anime etc.) only.

2) Please try to put your cards in the correct sections, read each sections description and make an assumption, if you happen to be wrong, again, PM a Moderator (Dj Osiris, Browarod, Jerry or Tkill) and we will take care of it.

3) Any card(s) placed in the wrong thread will either be erased or moved. You have been warned.

4) A new Rule was introduced regarding Image Credits. You MUST NOW Credit the artist of the images you use in your cards.

*All rules here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Any Other Card Section]

1) This section is indeed for your 'other cards'. If your going to post cards here, post no racial, discriminating or nudity cards, basically no offensive cards or they will be deleted and you will be reported!

2) Please try to put your cards in the correct sections, read each sections description and make an assumption, if you happen to be wrong, again, PM a Moderator named (Dj Osiris, Browarod, Jerry or Tkill) and we will take care of it.

3) Any card(s) placed in the wrong thread will either be erased or moved. You have been warned.

4) A new Rule was introduced regarding Image Credits. You MUST NOW Credit the artist of the images you use in your cards.

*All rules here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating Team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Written Card Section]

1) Try to keep the number of topics you make to a minimum by placing as many of your text based cards in one thread as possible.

This now will be checked on frequently, and your threads maybe merged if you do not follow this rule.

2) Please try to put your threads in the correct sections, read each sections description and make an assumption, if you happen to be wrong, again, PM a Moderator (Dj Osiris, Browarod, Jerry or Tkill) and we will take care of it.

3) Sadly, any topics that go unanswered will be locked.

4) Make sure the site rules are kept within your written cards, if any written cards regarding anything inappropriate are posted then your post / thread will be deleted.

*All rules here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules for the Finished Cards/Sets Rules]

1) This sections is for Finished Card Sets only please state in your topic or PM Myself, Browarod, Jerry or Tkill that you have finished with a set and it will be moved to here.

2) Please try to put your cards in the correct sections, read each sections description and make an assumption, if you happen to be wrong, again, PM one of the Moderators named in Rule 1 and we will take care of it.

3) Any card(s) placed in the wrong thread will either be erased or moved. You have been warned.

4) A new Rule was introduced regarding Image Credits. You MUST NOW Credit the artist of the images you use in your cards.

*All rule here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Card Contest Section]

Rule 1 - Each member can only run ONE contest at a time. If you make more then ONE contest i shall:


Close all your contests and inform you, and wait for a reply of which one you want to continue.




I (and maybe Bhim) will inform you if your online at the time and await a reply.



Rule 2 - When you make a contest the overall rules of that Contest must be stated Clearly, too brief summarys causes confusion and many members to become Spam Nazi's.



Rule 3 - You MUST state PRIZES for your contest.


Reps - You can give out a Maximum of 6 reps in Total within your contest as prizes, anymore then 6 reps within your contest and you will get flamed by members for breaking Contest rules.


The recomended way to give them out is;


1st - 3 Reps

2nd - 2 Reps

3rd - 1 Rep



Points - You can give out a number of points YOU OWN as prizes. You CAN ONLY give out points you have at the start of the contest, for example;


If you have 60 points and state 1st prize gets 70 points for winning, 'as you will get some more points later', that is now against the rules, only offer what you have when the contest is started.


Extras - Some contests have extra prizes which count of none of thee stated above. Some examples are allowing winners cards to be featured in Fan-Fics, or making someone a free banner of avatar.


Please note if you state your giving a prize to the winners, at the end of the contest the prizes MUST be given.





When your contest is finished / completed or you want it Locked, then please CHANGE the thread TITLE to either;









That way i can send it to the Finished Contests section to clean the Card Contests page.



Rule 5 - Entry Reserved Rules


When hosting a contest, members may make a post saying "Entry Reserved", this means that member wishes to book a place in the contest, and should be entering in it when their cards are ready to post.


If your contest is nearly over, and you still see some Reserved members who have not posted, you can politely remind them via PM about there reservation.


Another rule now fully in place about Reservations, is that NO contest is allowed to disregard "Entry Reserved"'s, if someone wishes to reserve an entry, you must let them.



Rule 6 - Pointless Contests


No pointless Contests are to be made, which means contests which say;


"Hey all, here's the contest. Make some cards, and if I like it, you win."


"Make cards for me. 1rep to winner."


Correct Information (Contest rules, prizes, end date) MUST be given or your contest will be Temp Locked / Perma Closed.



Rule 7 - No polls are to be made within a contest that regard your contests, for example;


"Do you like my contest?"


As negative answers do not go down well.



Rule 8 - Credit To Bhim For This Rule!


This one's very important. And I mean VERY IMPORTANT. A lot of users post the following: "Must have perfect spelling and grammer." Is there a problem with that sentence? I think so. Grammer. It's spelled GRAMMAR. With an "A," not an "E." Don't tell others to have perfect spelling and grammar until you have it yourself. Or at least have enough that you can spell that sentence correctly. Make yourself look legit. Those from Australia and Britain are exempt, although more than 80% of you guys aren't...






Rule 10 - Staple Rules for Good Contests


"Staple" rules. These are the rules that great contests will have.


A. Perfect grammAr and spelling.

B. Balance [No over-underpowering]

C. Make the art fit the card

D. Any others I forgot? Post here and I'll update!



Rule 11 - You MUST have an End date and time or a required amount of entrants before you close your contest for grading / choosing the winner.


Rule 11 Subsection 1 - You MUST post the end date in one of the following formats (though, the year is usually not needed):

a. Day Month Year (ex: 28 April 2008, etc.)

b. Month Day, Year (ex: April 28, 2008, etc.)


This is to prevent confusion from different formats of dates that people use.


Rule 11 Subsection 2 - End times must have an appropriate timezone. "Whenever I feel like it on X day of Y Month" is no longer acceptable.


Rule 11 Subsection 3 - Contests with at least one person who has reserved an entry, but has not posted their submission, cannot have their end date/time adjusted to an earlier or later date/time. However, an optional extra 12 hours can be given to any reserved members to get their entries in. It is up to the contest creator whether they allow this extra time or not.



Rule 12 - Credit to Bhim for this Rule!


You CANNOT only allot for a certain number of entrants [i.e. "Only five people can enter]. You're holding a competition. This means YOU'RE grading everything. It's your problem your contest is so popular that twenty people enter with twenty cards each.


My opinion on this rule is agreement with Bhim, but i will be more liniant and let it off, as long as conflict does not arise.



Rule 13 - You cannot disallow certain members to enter your contests via naming usernames etc, unless they appear on the New Contest Blacklist (See Rule 15)



Rule 14 - This is a new rule, and its in place to clean up this section with Dud contests.


If your contest has not had a post in it for at least 15 days it will automatically be moved to Finished Contests.


If a contest this way is moved, and you want reopen it then PM myself or browarod and we shall move it back.



Rule 15 - The New Contest Blacklist


In my time here i have entered in over 50 contests and won over 30.

In some contests i have been in i have seen biased winners, people who have won because they are good friends with the contest holder, or even contests that have been FIXED.


If you believe a contest has been fixed / faulty then contact myself and i will look into it. If proof is revealed that they fixed or cheated in the contest or holding it, i shall add them here to a Blacklist.


Anyone on the blacklist will not be allowed to make a contest for an alotted amount of time, and members can refuse them to enter in their contests if they wish.







New Rule 16 - Card Making / Splices Only


I have seen people trying to have dueling tournaments and such, in this section!


The only contests in this section i am allowing is what they should be, card making contests or splicing contests.


No Banners, No Avatars, No Dueling, no decks which involve no card making. I am thinking about adding Spriting also.


EDIT: Pokemon Splicing ONLY!


If your contest is not creating cards or splicing pokemon, it will be LOCKED.



Rule 17 - You are allowed to hold Limits to contests for say members of a certain Level only etc.


*All rules here are credited to DJ Osiris and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Fan Fic Section]

1. PLEASE KEEP THIS AGE-APPROPRIATE: There are some young kids here, so please keep everything under PG rating, please. This includes:

a) Swearing

b) Explicit sexual content

c) Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, beliefs, etc.

d) Extreme content (such as extremely graphic [haha] violence)


Please remember that people of all ages view these forums and thus your fanfics should acknowledge this and keep it in the forefront of your mind. M-rated stuff is a big no-no, and I will ask you to edit it, remove it, or tone it down.



2. DON'T CLUTTER UP THE BOARD: You only need ONE thread for ONE fanfic. You DON'T need to be posting individual threads per chapter, and you definitely don't need to be posting "Table of Contents"-esque threads full of links (a table of contents/chapter list on the first post of your fanfic thread, however, is perfectly acceptable). Either edit your starting post in the thread or simply add a new reply to the end. If you post excess threads I'll simply delete them and copy their contents into another thread, often with less than desirable aesthetic results.


3. THIS SUBFORUM IS PART OF YCM: And as such, in addition to the specific rules of the fanfic section, ALL normal YCM rules, terms, and other such things also apply here, and that includes no flaming, no racial/religious/sexist slurs/discrimination, no posting of links/pictures of pornographic material or other 16/18/21+ content, respecting other members and no spamming. Use of common sense and basic courtesy should avoid all potential arguments.



If you fear your fanfic may be slightly infringing on one or more of these rules (ie. mild swearing, mild violence, etc.), include appropriate warning labels (PG+13, for example) or feel free to PM me about it, and I should be able to gauge the appropriate-ness of the chapter/section/idea in question.


*All rules here are credited to Darkguy00000 and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Roleplay Section]

1: A person can not host more than 2 Role-Plays at a time. This is to prevent spam. If you currently host more than 2 Role-Plays, you can send me a PM and I will give you permission to host 4 RPs in total. If you host more than 4, the least active ones will be locked.


2: If you are a member of an RP, and wish to tell someone that is not RP-related, write OoC (Out of Character) before the sentence(s). This is to make it easier to comprehend the post. Not using OoC when talking of non-rpical matters is a valid excuse for reporting a post.


3: If you are a member of an RP, or the host of an RP where you are an active member, you must never commit so-called ”god-moding”. Which means, you can not make your character invincible and you can not make it succeed all the time. If this is reported, the poster will be given 24 hours to change the post, or the post will be deleted.


4: In the first post of the Role Play, the host must post a brief synopsis of the plot, what the RP will be about and where it is set. In the title of the role-play, the host must specify whether it is a Role-Play (an RP) or a Role-Playing Game (RPG). An RP does not use any stats, while an RPG does. The RPG is generally more host-controlled, while an RP is more player-controlled. Any breakage of the above rules will lead to a warning, and a thread-lock 24 hours later.


5: If you are not a member of the Role Play, and do not wish to join it, you should not post in the thread. If you are not accepted to the Role Play when you wish to join, settle it with the thread-poster via PM's. Do not post in the thread. If any of these rules are broken, the posts will be deleted without warning.


6. Sign-up threads are not appreciated, but will not count towards the two-thread limit. However, I would appreciate if you didn't use them. Preferably, all sign-ups should be handled via PM. A sign-up thread will be locked when the Roleplay starts. Any submissions after that should either be handled via PM, or the owner of the Roleplay sends me a PM to unlock the thread.


*All rules here are credited to Charlie Morae and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Your Deck Section]

1. Line Breaks


When posting your deck, don't post everything in one line; put each card on a different line. For example:


1 Bubble Crash

3 Larvae Moth

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 Magical Hats


This makes the deck much easier to read. However, don't put blank lines between each card; they should be together, but on separate lines.


2. Organization


When posting your decklist, divide it up into Monsters, Spell, and Traps.






2 Thestalos the Firsestorm Monarch

3 Larvae Moth




1 Bubble Crash

1 Swords of Revealing Light




3 Magical Hats


Doing this makes your deck much, much easier to read. If you wish, you may also divide your monsters into Tribute Monsters and Non-Tribute Monsters, but this is optional. You don't need to use underlines for the section titles; I personally prefer bold, for example.


3. Numbers


At the start of each section, say how many of that type of card is included in your deck. For example:


Monsters (5)


2 Thestalos the Firsestorm Monarch

3 Larvae Moth


Spells (2)


1 Bubble Crash

1 Swords of Revealing Light


Traps (3)


3 Magical Hats


This makes it much easier for people to see your deck's balance.


4. Topic Titles


The old sticky said that deck names should be along the lines of "My Deck" or "Crab Helmet's Deck". This is a bad system, was not used when it was officially sanctioned, and is no longer even remotely encouraged.


It is best for your topic title and deck title to be descriptive of the deck's function. For example, an Immortal Bushi deck could be called "Bushi Deck" or "Gadget Warrior" or something. Decks titled "My Deck" are generally looked down on, especially after a recent series of Generic Beatdown decks of that title.


5. Legality


Decks posted here must be legal under the March 2008 Advanced Format banlist, which can be found in the other sticky on this board. If your deck contains any banned cards, such as Yata-Garasu, or too many copies of Limited or Semi-Limited cards, such as 3 Overload Fusion, it cannot be posted here.


If the only thing that prevents your deck from being legal is that it contains a single copy of a banned card, or one copy each of multiple banned cards, then it is legal in Traditional Format and may be posted in the appropriate sub-forum.


If your deck contains 2 or 3 copies of a banned or limited card, or if it contains 3 copies of semi-limited card, then it is illegal in all formats and cannot be posted anywhere.


The only main exception to this rule is that you may post a deck that follows the September 2007 format instead of the March 2008 format for the purposes of use on Game King Online, which has not been updated with the new banlist yet. If this is the case, you must say so within the topic.


A few player-created banlists exist, most notably the Atem Penultimate Banlist. You may post decks that use these, but if you do so, you must state that you are using such a banlist, and should post the banlist within spoiler tags for the benefit of those who are not familiar with it.


6. Flaming


Yes, this is one of the general site rules, but because of recent disputes over what constitutes flaming, I feel that it should be defined here in more detail.


"Flaming" is a direct insult to a person. Example: "You are an idiot".


Speaking ill of a person's deck is not considered flaming. For example, "this deck sucks" is perfectly acceptable.


Speaking ill of a person's recommendations is also not considered flaming. For example, "your suggestions suck" is perfectly acceptable.


Speaking ill of a person's playing ability is generally not considered flaming. For example, "you suck at this game" or "learn to play" are perfectly acceptable. However, this can become flaming if done improperly; for example, "only an idiot could be this bad at this game" would be considered flaming.



7. Deckbuilding


Before you post your deck, read the Basic Deckbuilding FAQ - Illustrated Edition:


[spoiler=Basic Deckbuilding FAQ - Illustrated Edition]


A lot of beginning players think that a good Deck Size is whatever size will allow them to include all the cards they want. Some even think that larger decks are better, on the grounds that they permit a wider variety of cards.


Simply put, this is wrong. Smaller decks are superior to larger decks.


The thing about larger decks is that, though there are more cards available, you have a significantly lower chance of drawing any given card. If you are unable to draw the cards you need with some degree of consistency, the deck will be unable to win with some degree of consistency. Furthermore, since you can only have three copies of each card in your deck, and many staples can be run only in one or two copies, your chances of playing your best cards are slim.


This is not just my opinion; this is a commonly accepted standard among better duelist. If you look at large tournaments, such as Shonen Jump Championships, all the best decks have low numbers of cards; most have 40, generally the best number, and none has more than 45.


Most good decks should have 40 cards; having more is permissible, but 40 is generally ideal. Of course, there are a few exceptions, depending on the decktype being used. Gadget decks, for example, often run more cards to reduce the player's chances of drawing redundant copies of the Gadget monsters; however, even these decks do not run more than 45 cards.


Each deck needs a theme of some sort. Some new players will simply throw together cards that they like; however, these decks, commonly described as "HOLY PILE OF RANDOM, BATMAN!", suffer from a severe lack of synergy. Synergy is the way in which the cards in a deck work together and complement one another; random decks generally do not have this support, leaving them at a huge disadvantage.


A deck's theme could be anything from a series of cards that were specifically designed to work together as a set, such as the Crystal Beast cards, to cards that all support a specific win condition.


Each deck needs a win condition, also called a deck goal, or a manner in which that deck is designed to win the duel. Keeping this win condition in mind when building a deck helps to make that deck more focused.


Something like "attack and make the opponent's Life Points zero" is not a specific enough win condition; something like "rapidly gain field advantage to defeat the opponent" for Six Samurai or "use the effect of Crystal Abundance to attack the opponent and win" for Crystal Beasts would be more appropriate. Even though both involve attacking the opponent to obliterate his or her Life Points, the manner of doing so is drastically different.


Of course, some decktypes do not involve reducing the opponent's Life Points. Decks focused on cards like Exodia, for example, win by fulfilling different conditions; in this case, fulfilling those conditions by a certain method is the deck's win condition.


When constructing a deck, it is important to have a good ratio of monsters, spells, and traps. In a standard 40-card deck whose win condition involves attacking the opponent and reducing his or her Life Points in a non-OTK method, a good balance usually involves 18-22 monsters (16-24 at the outside), with the remainder divided between spells and traps, usually with about 2 spells for every 1 trap.


Of course, there are many exceptions. For example, decks including Jinzo and/or Royal Decree should run low numbers of traps. A deck's win condition can also affect the ratio; DDT decks, for example, usually run about 11 monsters, a large number of Normal Spells, and almost no (if any) traps.


When constructing a deck, individual card choices can be almost as important as the overall deck structure. As an example, observe the Hero Barrier card above. Many beginner Elemental Hero decks use this card, but it is, in actuality, a very bad card. The following cards serve a purpose that is exactly like that of Hero Barrier, except better:


* Mirror Force

* Negate Attack

* Threatening Roar

* Waboku

* Sakuretsu Armor

* Dimensional Prison

* Magic Cylinder

* Draining Shield


There is never any reason that Hero Barrier should be used, since any one of these cards can do the exact same thing except with an added bonus and no restriction.


Of course, even within the cards that are superior to Hero Barrier, some are better than others. Mirror Force and Dimensional Prison are both superior to Sakuretsu Armor, and Mirror Force is also superior to Negate Attack, Threatening Roar, and Waboku. Since Magic Cylinder and Draining Shield do not provide any advantage and can only negate one attack, they are often considered inferior to the other cards that serve similar purposes (outside of a Burn or Life Point Increase deck, respectively).


This is just one example of how card choices can weaken or strengthen a deck, depending on whether they are done properly.


Situational cards can only be used under specific circumstances. For example, Amplifier can only be used while Jinzo is on the field. Situational cards are generally considered weak, as unless specific conditions are fulfilled, they are completely useless dead draws.


Nomi monsters contain the text "This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except..." with a summoning condition described on the card.


A Nomi's usefulness depends on the balance between how easy its summoning condition is to fulfill and how powerful its effect is. For example, Dark Armed Dragon is easy to summon and has an extremely powerful effect, so it is considered a good Nomi, worth running in a compatible deck. Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, on the other hand, is extremely difficult to summon and is nothing more than a beatstick once it hits the field; it has no useful effect at all. This makes it not worth running in most cases.


Normal Monsters, sometimes called Vanilla due to their yellow background color and bland lack of effect, are sometimes added to decks due to their ATK points and possibly their names; however, these can often hurt the deck goal. For example, Gladiator Beast Andal has good ATK and has "Gladiator Beast" in its name, but it lacks a Special Summoning effect common to the other Gladiator Beasts, which means that it doesn't support the deck goal.


Of course, there are some situations in which Vanilla monsters make sense. Elemental Hero Fusion-based decks usually use Elemental Hero Sparkman and Elemental Hero Clayman, since they are needed as Fusion Material. Similarly, some Spellcaster decks have a focus on Dark Magician due to the large amount of support available, ease in summoning, and high ATK.


Vanilla monsters are fine, but only as long as they make the deck stronger.


Polymerization is widely considered one of the worst of all cards that can perform a Fusion Summon, as it costs at least three cards to summon one monster, a net loss of at least two cards of advantage, and provides no extra effects.


Some Fusion cards, such as Vehicroid Connection Zone, come with an added benefit, while others, such as Miracle Fusion, can use Fusion Material Monsters that are already in the graveyard, and therefore do not result in a loss of advantage. When possible, these alternate Fusion cards are preferable to Polymerization; however, some Fusion Monsters, such as Dark Paladin, cannot benefit from any of them, and so Polymerization must be used.


If you are using Ritual Monsters, the regular Ritual Spells are not very good; Advanced Ritual Art is the best way to summon them, as this does not cost as much advantage as regular Ritual Spells.


Since Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells are useless if one does not have the other, it is important that you be able to search them out to make them more usable. Therefore, most decks that run Ritual Monsters will include Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands for its search effect.


Obviously, to use Advanced Ritual Art, Vanilla monsters are also necessary; this is one of the cases where their use is acceptable.


Staples are highly splashable cards that will make most decks stronger when included. Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Mirror Force are the most splashable of these; however, many others, though not quite as universal, can benefit decks just as much.


Many staples are Limtied and Semi-Limited cards on the banlist; however, not all Limited and Semi-Limited cards are so splashable. For example, Night Assailant was Limited because two copies of it could be used in an infinite loop.


In Traditional Format, all of these rules are even more important. Since decks are incredibly fast and powerful, a good balance with strong cards and many staples in a 40-card deck.


It covers the most common mistakes seen here, and there's no need to waste everyone's time with your deck if you haven't learned the basics, such as by making 70-card decks.




8. The Xander Clause


If your deck contains obscure or unreleased OCG-only cards, your post should also contain either a link to a description of those cards or a copy-paste of the effects of those cards.


9. The Jack Witt Clause


All deck topics are treated as rate and fix topics. This means that, when you post your deck, you will receive comments and evaluations of the deck's quality from other members and suggestions as to how to improve it. If you cannot deal with this, then do not post your deck. If you post your deck and then show that you cannot or will not accept constructive criticism, you will not only appear childish but also run the risk of having your topics closed.


10. Deck Size


Under new rules all decks must be under 50 cards in size. This is to help with people fixing your deck. Any decks over 50 cards will be locked with no warning. People cannot be expected to fix decks which are 80 cards in size.


*All rules here are credited to Crab Helmet and the Moderating Team*



[spoiler=Rules of the TCG Section]

1. NO "_____ CARD?" THREADS

This includes general threads such as "Worst Card," "Best Card," "Favorite Card," or any variations of them. These threads normally generate no useful discussion, and are completely redundant. However, if a thread is more specific in asking for a comparison between several cards, it will be allowed.



This includes threads discussing any card pulls or past trades. These threads normally generate no useful discussion, and are completely redundant. However, if you wish to discuss a card that you pulled, just start a thread that ONLY discusses that specific card.



The truth is, there are dumb questions; dumb questions and laziness. If you have questions regarding Game Mechanics, Card Types, or Card Rulings, look for your answer on the Wiki, the Official UDE Website or even on Google before asking about it here.



Do not openly insult other members. If you think another member's opinions are incorrect or flawed, announce it in a courteous manner, and explain why you think their opinions are incorrect or flawed. Comments along the lines of "you fail" will no longer be allowed if they are expressed without reasoning. However, if explanations have already been shared/explored beforehand, then there is no need to restate.

*All rules here are credited to Tea.Leaf and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Showcase Section]

1) If a member posts pointless or offensive comments about another member's artwork, that member will be banned from the Graphic Design Section for two days.


(Please note that the member who made the pointless or offensive post will be banned, not the member that posted the thread.)


*All rules here are credited to Itachi [Remix] and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Tutorial Section]




[spoiler=Rules of the Shop Section]

1) The [sHP] Tags are no longer needed

2) Any thread that is inactive for 3 weeks will be locked unless the shop owner has left the forums for a while.

3) You can not sell for Reps or the shop will be locked

4) You must post examples, any thread without examples will be locked


*All rules here are credited to Itachi [Remix] and the Moderating team*



[spoiler=Rules of the Request Section]

Understandable as the rules there are still for Shop & Request.






People who vote this to be Stickied


Cyber Chaos

Enigma Zero



~ Atomix

Link to comment

I've been saying something like this needed to be made all along. I just lacked the time to actually make it happen. It's definately far more useful to have all the rules and such in one place which is easy to access than it is to have multiple people continously making threads that rehash the same points.


The next steps, IMHO, for a thread like this would be...

1. Sticky the thread.

2. Set up an automated "On Join" PM which has a nice and friendly introduction and a link to this thread.


Overall, this is a great step in the right direction. Good work. :cool:


P.S. The Realistic Cards Section is missing the rules about Image Tags(a link to a nice how-to would probably help also) and Artistic Credits.

Link to comment

yeh, i agree, this should be stickied. ^_^ and we should have a banner, or a bigg button that says,


"Click here if you are a n00b" or something to that effect


to get them to read them...


that isnt needed of course, just something that might be helpful in the long run..


but it is cool that you took the time to put all the rules in one section.


it would really be a downer if someone just changed rules though... XD

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