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Yugioh Infinity Racing(Yugioh 5Ds)


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"That's it!" said the Officer. "You're going down!" "Well lets just see," said Cody detaching his duel disk from his black D- Wheel. "Duel1" both players said at the same time.


Cody: 4000

Officer: 4000


"I'll start!" said Cody. "And I'll summon this! Grogg, Darksworn Hunter in Defense. Then I'll activate the field spell, Galaxy of Darksworn!" said Cody. "Now here it is, All Darksworns on my field gain 500 Attack and Defense points. Now if you activate a Spell card, this card'll gain 1 counter. For every counter, my Darksworns gain 300 Points!" said Cody. "I'll end."


Grogg/ ATK 200/ DEF 2000


Grogg/ ATK 700/ DEF 2500

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Exassal braked hard; he'd almost rammed straight into two duelists. Dismounting, he watched as the Security duelist drew his card, and then looked interestedly at the Satellite duelist's side of the field. He cocked an eyebrow at the defense mode monster.


Stupid, he thought. It's not even legal to place a face-up Defense Position monster. Even when it is, it's still dumb. Better to keep your opponent guessing. Well, he amended, seeing Galaxy of Darkness, he might have a few tricks up his sleeve... but I'm still superior at the Mind Game, if not Duel Monsters.

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Jamin gave Josh another look before picking up his duel disk and walking towards the door.

"I'm going out," he said.

Josh didn't reply and Jamin stepped out onto the street.


He rounded a corner a few minutes later and then ducked out of sight, noticing a security officer. He peeked round again and saw the officer currently in a duel.

"A duel," he muttered "Man these guys just don't quit."

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"Alright Punk! I actiavte the spell card Graceful Charity!" said the Officer. "So now, I draw 3 cards, and ditch two!" "Next I summon this, my Magicians Valkyria in Attack Mode. Next I'll place this card face down and end my turn."


Magician's Valkyria/ ATK 1600/ DEF 1800


"Well rememberber my field spell. For every spell you activate, I get to place 1 counter on this card. And for each one, my Darksworns gain 300 Attack and Defense Points," said Cody. Next, I'll tribute Grogg, to summon Arcegic, Darksworn Paladin!"


Arcegic/ ATK 1800/ DEF 1700


"And now, by my Galaxy, this card gains 800 ATK and DEF points since you activated a Spell."


Arcegic/ ATK 2600/ DEF 2500


"Now, by his effect. I can remove from play 3 Darksworns in my deck, to summon this: My Arkegin, Darksworn Animal!"


Arkegin/ ATK 2500/ DEF 2000+ Darksworn Galaxy = Arkegin/ ATK 3300/ DEF 2800.


"Now, his effect. I get to tribute my Paladin, to destroy your face down!" "Now attack his Valkyria!"


Cody: 4000



"I'll end my turn" said Cody.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

That Galaxy card is working well, Exassal noted. Of course, if the officer were any good, he'd have something to get around that... Glancing around, he observed another spectator. He acted as though he hadn't, though. The unwanted attention could be crippling.

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"Haha! I'll activate Soul Exchange! I chooseyour Animal there and then I can tribute it!" said the Officer. "So now, I'll also be using another one of my Magicians Valkyria to summon my Dark Magician!"


Dark Magician/ ATK 2500/ DEF 2100


"Now, Attack!!" said the Officer. "I'll end.


Cody: 1500

Officer: 2300


"Hehe! Remember those monsters thatwere removed from play my last turn? Well they come back this turn from their effect!!" said Cody. On the Field came:


Blose, Darksworn Blocker/ ATK 200/ DEF 2800

Kregg, Darksworn Soul Eater/ ATK 2300/ DEF 1000

Krakkar, Darksworn Assassin/ ATK 1000/ DEF 1000


"Now I'll tune my Assassin with my other two monsters, to Summon my Strongest Monster!!!" said Cody. "I'll Synchro Summon Blarith, Darksworn Dragon in attack mode!!"


Blarith/ ATK 3800/ DEF 1700+ 3 counters on Galaxy= 4900 ATK/ 2800 DEF.


"Now by his effect, I can remove one card in my had or deck with Darksworn in the name to destroy 1 monster on your field. Small price to pay though, I ca'n't activate Spells or Traps. But you won't be around long enough to see me do that! Attack!!!!'


Cody: 1500

Officer: 0

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

He's good enough, Exassal mused. I could still beat him easily, though. He mounted his D-wheel and blasted away, letting the wind take him once again.

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Name: Yamashita Masaya

Age: 21

Duel Disk and D Wheel

Security or Satellite: Satellite

Deck theme: Montaged Amriatael

[spoiler=Deck List]


Deck: 40


Monsters: 20


3| Montage Dragon

2| Raviel

2| Hamon

2| Uria

2| Dark Summoning Beast


3| Mystic Tomato

3| Elemental Hero Prisma

1| Sangan

1| Snipe Hunter

1| Destiny Hero - Disk Commander


Spells: 13


2| Fallen Paradise

2| Allure of Darkness

2| Foolish Burial

2| Lightning Vortex

1| Pot of Greed

1| Graceful Charity

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

1| Heavy Storm


Traps: 7


3| Solemn Judgment

3| Limit Reverse

1| Mirror Force


Extra Deck: 3


3| Armitael, Phantasm of Chaos




Yamashita was in his house when he hear sounds coming from outside, *Not another duel again?!* he thought as he went to the window and see what all the fuss was about, *Damn Security* he thought as he pulled on his jacket and went outside...


"Hey you, you okay?" he asked Cody

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"Dudes, I don't even know you! Whydoes every know me!" said Cody. "Because I sent the signal to come arrest you, and the signal went all around TV saying to capture you," said the Officer. "Blarith, destroy him!" said Cody.

Blarith came down with his mouth open and attacked the Officer. "That's right! Run away little coward!" said Cody.

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Jamin paused, having overheard part of what the duelist had been saying.

"Tournament," he muttered.

He pondered the idea for a bit and then turned back around, walking into the street where everyone else seemed to be gathered.

"Yo'," he said "Nice night for it."

He looked at each of them in turn.

"So," he said, his eyes landing on Cody "What's this tournament?"

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Yamashita sighed, "I just asked if you are okay, I don't like to see people get bullied by the Security, I despise them" he said as he started going back into his house...


Back inside...


*Damn that Security* he thought as he took out a picture with him and another person on it, *Brother...* he thought as a dropped from his eye and he started remembering something...




It was a dark and stormy night, where somebody was dueling a person from the Security, and a kid was held captive by another Security person. The person who was dueling the guard lost, "BROTHER!!!" the kid yelled as he struggled free from the other guard and ran to his brother. It was a Speed Duel, and his brother died cause his D Wheel crashed into a car...there was a explosion, "BROTHER!!!" the kid yelled again...


*Flashback end*


Yamashita placed the picture onto the table and went to his garage to work on his D Wheel what was pretty beat up...

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"Chris, you there?" asked Cody, now back in his alley. "Yes, boss," said Chris. "Do you know who my sister was?" asked Cody. "No, boss. Not at all," said Chris. "My sister was one heck of a duelist. She was also friends with this girl named Ruka. Until that day when she faced Jack Atlus..." he said now sounding fara away. "When she lost, somehow, her D- Wheel went haywaire and made her crash into a wall made out of solid block," said Cody. "When the medics ad given us the report, my mom yelled at him about letting her die," he said. "After I heard that, I ran. I ran until I found this very allaey, and where my tears brought out something I never knew... Anger." "Jack Atlus came to this alley one day, and asked me if he should train me. Of course I was to young to remember who he was, so I accepted." "He made Pegasus construct me cards, only with darkness inside of them. I completely accepted the cards, and Jack trained me, and now I'm here." "That's terrible boss!" said Chris "Chris, I'm not your boss anymore, the Dueling Palace is now for you, so just go!" said Cody.

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