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Ultimate YCM Tournament: Finals! 01alim vs. Kazerima! Who will WIN?!

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Woot, I'm on a computer! Here are the match-ups for round 1. They were totally randomized at random.org, so if you got somewhat you didn't want to face, I guess you just got unlucky.


Wombat vs. FFXFAN21

Tuffguy1992 vs. v8561v

Seth vs. Kazerima

Welche vs. SecretAgentMan007

Killa Ace vs. Jspamax

FM6 vs. Poke

Ultimate_Ryan vs. DeMeNTeD

01alim vs. Funk*Lord




Everyone can post their cards now, keep in mind that they must be never-before-seen effect monsters and can't be posted elsewhere until the 1st round ends. ^_^

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Ok FM6, lets have a friendly spar, how bout it? XD

[spoiler=Card and effect]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK Monster from your Graveyard. This card is also treated as DARK. Once per turn you may roll a 6-sided die, depending on the results apply one of the following effects:

1 or 6: Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard.

2 or 5: Increase this card's ATK by 500 until the End Phase of this turn.

3 or 4: Your Opponent draws 2 cars.

If this card is destroyed as a result of battle you may place it in your Spell & Trap card zone and equip to 1 face-up Monster on the field, this card is then treated as an Equip Spell card. The Owner of the equipped Monster must roll a 6-sided di, and apply one of the above effects. If the equipped Monster would be destroyed this ad i dsoyed instead.






I know it may seem like a bunch effects rolled in to one -.-


But i wanted to get more creative.

This card is for my new upcoming set Shining Destiny.



I do NOT own the artwork for this card, i am just borrowing the artwork to improve the overall quality of my card.



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This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 3 Monsters you control. A Monster destroyed by this card is returned to the owner's Deck instead of being sent to the Graveyard. During your Draw Phase, you can discard the card you drew to send the top card in your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. During your Standby Phase, you can remove 1 Monster card from your Graveyard to remove 1 Monster card from your opponent's Graveyard. During your Main Phase, Select 1 Monster your opponent controls. This card gains half the selected Monster's ATK. During your End Phase, pay 400 Life Points. If you cannot, remove this card from play.



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I am working on a Class B Card for now ;) Trust me you're all going to love it.

[align=center]Well here it is! I won't throw no punches knowing the threat of Elimination. Say hi to the Totally Adorable Sheep Family :).


However much I would love to give Image Credit. I'm afraid I got this Pic from a Hentai Site.

While there is at least 1 other Beast-Type monster on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. Once per turn you can discard 1 Level 4 or below Beast-Type monster from your hand to Special Summon 2 "Baby Sheep Tokens" (Beast-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500) These tokens cannot be used for a Tribute Summon. During each of your Standby Phases increase your Life Points by 300 X the number of "Baby Sheep Tokens" on your side of the field.[/align]

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Here's my card......




If this card is returned to your hand from your Graveyard by the effect of "The Warrior Returning Alive", you may Special Summon this card instead. If you Special Summon this card in this way, this card gets the following effect: By Releasing this card, you may Special Summon as many Warrior-Type monsters as possible from your Graveyard. During the End Phase, remove from play all monsters that were Special Summoned by this effect.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the render used here, I found it in deviantart.com. The background used was also found in deviantart.com, but was modified by me to make it suit the render (hopefully).

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Guest Welche

Well, heres my card!

Disclaimer- I do not own any of my pics. I use google images to find good pics cause i suck at drawing.


EFFECT: This cards attribute is also Warrior. When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned add 1 "The Overlord" from your deck to your hand. If this card is the only monster on your side of the field you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster from your hand. When this card is destroyed activate 1 of the following effects depending on how was destroyed:

Card effect- Both you and your opponent take damage equal to the monster with the highest ATK on the field.

Battle- Both players Special summon the monster with the highest DEF in their Graveyard in face-up Defense position ignoring Summoning conditions.

This card is removed from play if it is in your Graveyard, unless it is the only card, then you may Special Summon.

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Well, here goes my card...

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership to my images. I find them using google.


EFFECT: This card's attribute is also treated as 'Zombie'. This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card requires 3 DARK Zombie-Type monsters to Tribute Summon it. If this card is in face-up defense position, destroy it. This card is unaffected by spells. If this card attacks your opponent directly, destroy up to 2 LIGHT monsters on the field. Pay 500 Life Points per monster destroyed by this effect. This card gain 100 ATK for every monster destroyed by this effect. Once per turn, you may tribute 1 level 7 or higher DARK monster on your side of the field to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. Once per turn, you may pay 1000 Life points to give this card 300 ATK. If this card has the lowest ATK on your side of the field, destroy it. This card cannot be removed from play. If it would be removed from play, send it to your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by a DARK monster. This card cannot be sent to the Graveyard from your hand. If this card is the target of a trap that would destroy it, you may switch the target to another monster on your side of the field.

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