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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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OMFG That new Club Banner is Epin! Also:


two Guesses.


dotCUBED or Kira.


I so wish...


Oh' date=' is he in the club, here?





He's not in this club.


I still have two more guesses' date=' but I don't know who else to guess...



Fixed the markings on pikachu's face, I mentioned.


Hmm....that's good. But the scars were meant to be battle scars and were put on purpose. (But your version is still good ^_^)


There. Right before a post of yours, too lol

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*Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm* *Face-Palm*


*Dies of brain hemorrhage*

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Favorite Pokemon:Pikachu

Least Favorite Pokemon:None

Do you like Pikachu?:yes =o

and pikachu im been a member on club pikachu since it first started a long long time ago wat happens to me =o


Don't need to rejoin, but welcome back old buddy!


p.s I give you all 2 extra days to think. If you all fail, Kira will have to give one rep to me. XD

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I did some editing to the banner, as practice (Sorry whoever originally made it...). It turned out pretty good so far so I figured I'd post it.




I blurred, sharpened, dodged, and burned it to bring out the explosion in the back to make it look like pikachu caused it (Like in action animes where they turn around as the enemy explodes behind them them). I also added the words for fun.

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