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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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p.s I've only seen the first movie' date=' the one with Jirachi and the one with Lucario. >_>



Mewtwo Strikes Back, Jirchi Wish Maker, and Lucario and the Mytery of Mew.


Topic: Favorite pokemon movie?





Um..... The first movie is called The First Movie. Mewtwo Returns wasn't for so long after the first 3 >_>



Fav is well, The First Movie



P.S. I'm thinking (since I have so many points ^_^) I would change my name since a lot of people say mine so far is unoriginal. Can people think of a name, though for me? Again, not very original (this time talking about me, specifically)

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getting a basic up too lvl 100 is a pain, speaking of lvl 100 i remember doing the missngno cheat like ~5 years back and just recently pulled it out to play it again and found that the entire file had been corupted and lost....so much for the lvl 164 squirtles and lvl 174 rapidashes

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