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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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Replying to a few previous posts:


First of all, legendaries are not all you should care about. =/ It's far more creative and rewarding to work with regular pokemon than it is to just rely on the brute stats thatlegendaries/ubers possess.


Rotom isn't just a copy of Arceus =/. The typing is all different, and the uses are different. Not to mention the fact that if you have to use something as cheap as Arceus to win, I have no respect whatsoever for your playing ability. Arceus is nooby, and isn't even that great in unskilled hands - My Tauros tore apart half a team full of Ubers once, including an Arceus. So yeah.


Crying shame, the amount of uber-dependace I've seen in the few days I've been here. =/

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