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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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Favorite FF character? Eh. Hard to say. I'll try to pick one from every FF I've played though.


FF1: Didn't really have a lot of characters, plus I never got past the first boss cause I got bored.

FF2: Never played

FF3: Ingus. He looks like Roxas.

FF4: Cecil, since he's the only character so far. xD

FF5: Never played.

FF6: Eh. Kefka. He's creepy.

FF7: Sephiroth. No comment necessary.

FF8: Squall or Seifer. I'll go with Squall.

FF9: Never played.

FF10: Seymour. He's badass.

FF11: Does it even have characters?

FF12: Balthier. Everything about him pwns.

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FFI: xD The only real characters are "Warrior of Light". So him.

FFII: Filidor, I guess. (Think that's how you spell it)

FFIII: Ingus, me too.

FFIV: Cecil, just because he has such a cool name. But Zeromus is also cool.

FFV: Never played it.

FFVI: Kefka, easy.

FFVII: Vincent is such a badass. Red XIII is also really cool.

FFVIII: Hrrmmmm....I'm gonna go Squall.

FFIX: Most of the characters were unlikable to me. I thought the depiction of the Alexander Summon was awesome though.

FFX: Rikku. x3 She's adorable.

FFXI: No characters, no thanks.

FFXII: TOUGH CALL. I liked a lot of the characters in that game. I'm gonna have to go with Balthier. However, Ashe, Vayne, and Venat also come to mind. Venat is just cool.

FFT: Lol, Balthier. xD It could have been Ramza, but when Balthier made his cameo in that game as a playable character, Ramza went out the window. Mad <3 for Balthier

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I'd like to affiliate the Yoshi Fruit Tree Union with this club


Username: Yoshi's Bone

Club/Organization Name: Yoshi Fruit Tree Union

Why would you like to affiliate: This club seems well organized and we would like to affiliate with w weel known club.

Do you like this club?: Yesh.

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