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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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Shanoa: You're good!


Reason: you don't only train your starter' date=' like many. You train them all balanced!



Normally, I only train my starter and maybe one or two others.


But I'm playing on an emulator, and can fast forward making training much faster and easier, so it doesn't make sense NOT to train all of them.



Also, current team. I just beat Team Rocket, and I'm headed for the final gym.


[spoiler=Typhlosion Lv. 45]Flame Wheel





[spoiler=Graveler Lv. 37]Headbutt


Rock Throw



[spoiler=Kadabra Lv. 38]Psychic

Thunder Punch

Fire Punch

Ice Punch


[spoiler=Lanturn Lv. 37]Spark

Confuse Ray




[spoiler=Beedrill Lv. 37]Pin Missile



Twin Needle


[spoiler=Pidgeot Lv. 37]Fly


Wing Attack

Quick Attack


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Uh... Crap, I forgot.


But what's emulator: it works something like this:


you can download a console (GBA, Nintendo DS, etc...) from website, and games for it. Then, you can play with that emulator on your comp. It is really good, since it can faster the time by pressing Space.

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My current team in Diamond


Rampardos lvl 62

Alakazam lvl 55

Gengar lvl 52

Infernape lvl 49

Floatzel lvl 53

Roserade lvl 53


i think i'm ready for the Elite 4


I am surprised your Infernape is so low-leveled

Yet, your Rampardos is over-leveled

Never mind, good luck in Elite 4

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Uh... Crap' date=' I forgot.


But what's emulator: it works something like this:


you can download a console (GBA, Nintendo DS, etc...) from website, and games for it. Then, you can play with that emulator on your comp. It is really good, since it can faster the time by pressing Space.



But where can I downlaod it?

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