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Club Pikachu: Huh? What Message?


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Teh quiz is sadly delayed for a day or two....

I went to the dentist today

But I have prepared half the test for you wannabes

Actually, I want the Pikachus and the Raichus to know a bit more:


1. TEN QUESTIONS ONLY. Don't ask why.


2. The top 3 scorers shall advance to Raichu level.


3. If you are already a Raichu, you may advance to Shiny Pikachu level. Next is Shiny Raichu (the ranks are too little right now)


4. For Pichus (most of you) God Duelist shall post the quiz HERE with about 10 questions. If he cannot accomplish this by Wednesday I shall ask Krow to help (I suggest Krow to do the questions now or soon just in case). If he cannot accomplish this....oh well, I might as well do that too next week.


5. You MUST PM the answers to me if you're doing my test or God Duelist (or Krow if he didn't do it) if you're doing his test.


6. Deadline will be fixed after the quiz is given


7. If you have any questions whatsoever, post it here or PM me or God Duelist





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Did anyone besides 001(he knows) know that legendaries steal songs from our world(Mainly rap and rock) and sing them in thei world?


I know now!:)

Stupid Dialga' date=' that's my CD! Stop singing it![hr']

...AR? what's that? O.O

but meh' date=' this thread is going...unactive O.O



Action Replay. I used the walk anywhere cheat to get Darkrai and Shaymin:P


I have Action Replay too! Hehehe Shiny Mewtwo, Mew, Dialga, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Chirizard are Awesome! Too bad I gave an Arceus to me bro:(


Mew? On Diamond? How? I've been trying to get that since the day I got it


Yeah, when i got it i had something about hold select and after mewtwo it had mew, but i live in australia so it could be different.

Quiz! Me want quiz cause me stupid guy!

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