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Winged Kuriboh Deck

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I made thsi deck just for fun one day that I was bored and it may not be very competitive but it's fun to use.

The strategy of this deck is to stop your opponent to damage you and to summon WK LV10 as fast as you can.



Monsters: 20

Winged Kuriboh X3

Winged Kuriboh LV10 X3

Marshmallow X2

Mystic Swordsman LV4 X3

Mystic Swordsman LV6 X2

Spirit Reaper X3

Jinzo X1

Grand Mole X3


Spells: 15

Pot of greed X1

Swords of revealing light X2

Nightmare Steelcage X2

Heavy Storm X1

Transcendent Wings X3

Heavy Storm X1

Dian Keto The Cure Master X3

Mystical Space Typhoon X1

Premature Burial X1


Traps: 5

Magic Cylinder X2

Call of The Haunted X1

Torrential Tribute X1

Raigeki Break

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