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Neutral Party

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Hi, I've been lurking these forums for a while now, and I've only recently made a return to the game (played probably 3 years ago), only won local tourneys but never took it more than that. Once I won enough to pay for my deck, I quit. Now, it would seem, my friends are into the game, and being the good follower that I am (and a sore winner), I'm making a return.


This deck is one I've used in real life as well as online. Taken it to my locals, and won. In game, it's not as good, but I've won more than I have lost. Any tips welcome.


Neutral Party - 41 Cards Total


Monsters - 16

Ameba x3

Lava Golem


Mother Grizzly x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Phantom of Chaos x2


Spirit Reaper

Stealth Bird x3


Spells - 19

Creature Swap x3

Level Limit - Area B

Monster Reborn

Mystic Box x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Premature Burial

Salvage x2


Shien's Spy x2

Swords of Reveling Light

Wave Motion Cannon x3


Traps - 6

Crush Card Virus

Dimension Wall x3

Gravity Bind

Magic Cylinder


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