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Organization XIII Roleplay (PG-13)

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DiZ watched with glee as the absorber drained away Larxene's energy, the girl screaming out as it did. He glanced at the various screens to ensure all was going smoothly - and indeed it was. Not a single miscalculation. As expected.


"Tell me Zero, what is your dream? What is it you desire to accomplish after we..." he glanced at his machine and then at Zero. "...Erase, the fools that hinder us? What is it you hope to do with your life? Call it a scientist's idle curiosity."


ooc: XDDDDD G'night

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OoC: Okay, I've been reading the past few pages, and I have no idea what to do with my characters! Great, I hang out with my friend, come back home, computer screws up, watch Meet the Spartans On Demand, and all this happens?


Anyway, good job so far, FFXFAN21. You too, Sleevecard. Reps all around!

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"I think you already know what I want....I need those cards, and now you know why....what I plan to do after that, is for me to worry about....and what, if I may ask, do you want?"


ooc: Marly, Nobodies cannot get into the Realm of Darkness unassisted



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ooc: Yay! It's Santa Roxas! *sits on lap* I want a pony. NAO. Marly, we is in da Realm Of Darkness - not a place Marly can get to normally, sicne he isn't a Heartless or Hollow.


DiZ smirked. "My only desire is to see a world without those petty Nothings. The Heartless can disapear as well. Once they are all gone...I suppose I can live a happy life, after that. Perhaps, I could retire." The man laughed at his own joke. "Absurd. My work will never be done. I will always remain vigilant for more miscreants who destroy the fabric of our worlds."

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