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Organization XIII Roleplay (PG-13)

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Demyx panted from the constant whippings and carrying all the members of the organization at once. Suddenly, an imaginary force hit his cheek.


``B-but Mushu!'' Demyx cried. ``I thought you were my friend!''



Meanwhile, Thousands of Miles Away....


The Green Ranger and Mario finally stood and recovered from the heavy dose of marijuana. ``Uh... where are we?'' GR asked. ``I don't-a know.'' Replied a confused Mario.


``Wanna blow sh** up?'' The Green Ranger asked the plumber.


``Hells-a yah!''


The Green Ranger then called out MegaZord and GR and Mario hopped into the cockpit, blasting around the tower every which way.

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Larxene looked through the door in front of them, that led to the top of the tower where Zero was waiting.


"Okay, it looks like Zero is right-"


She turned around to see Sora, Xemnas, Demyx, and Xaldin playing with a giant robot, Axel now unconscious on the ground, with Roxas and Naminé making out on top of him, Lexaeus being....Lexaeus...., and Rika and Cloud having sex in the corner.

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