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New Premium Pack 2 Updates

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Ok. So far we only know that 2 E-Heroes are gonna be in PP2: Voltech and Terra Firma (The Earth in Jap). There will be other GX cards that have been seen in the manga as well. I'm not sure, but I heard it might also come with Stardust Dragon and Red Fiend Dragon (Jack Atlas's Synchro Dragon).


Now, since Terra Firma is coming out, they must also be coming out with Woodsman and the other Heroes like Knopse, Lady Heat, The Heat and Inferno (fusion of L.Heat and Heat). I also hope they come out with Hero's Bond.


Here is the link:


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I just cant wait until the new Heroes come in. I'm gonna make a Big City deck out of them. I wouldn't add Voltech or Woodsman to it.


Here are the characters who use these cards in the GX manga:

*EH Voltech/Voltic--Jaden Yuki

*EH Terra Firma--Jaden Yuki

*Athena--Reggie McKenize

*Mezuki--Daichi Misawa (Dub Name: Bastian Misawa)

*Sengenji--Daichi Misawa?

*Hecatrice--Reggie McKenize

*Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen--Reggie McKenize

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I also hope they come out with Woodsman, bc it will be awesome in my Rainbow Neos and Destiny End Dragoon decks. I should also make manga Jaden's deck out of it. It should be more fun than the anime deck.


Since Volitc and Terra Firma are coming out, they must be coming out with Heat, Lady Heat, Woodsman, Knopse, Poison Rose and Inferno. Without Woodsman, Terra Firma is worthless.

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