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Komodo VS Cobra: The Begining of the end. PG-13 chapter 3 is up


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Rated PG-13 for Animal terror and mild language


INTRO: Curse of Komodo


woman: Three years ago, terror reigned over the Island of Komodo. The Beasts known as dragons, ruined many lives on the island. The Government made Mutant Komodo Dragons for the army. They went out of control and took many lives. My son Manny does not even know were I am, because when we were escaping the island when he was 11-years old, his boat went one way, ours another.


Woman: He is now 14, and lives with his older brother, Mark,24. In the same city when the Cobra fought the boa. They too were mutated. The cobra won and went too the sea. It's still out there just like the dragon the Government is hiding there.


Woman: They need me, they need me too inform them about these monsters. I must go to L.A. So I can let them know I am ok. Then we can leave before the beasts awaken.


Tell me what you think so far.:D

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Chapter 1: An old friend


Manny: Ditching school was easier than I thought.

Eric: You got any money to go to the arcade?

Manny: No, but I know how we can get some.


Manny and Eric run off to there friend Alicia's house at 141 west crook drive.


Manny: (Knock, knock)

Eric: We gonna ask her "Gangster" Brother for money?

Manny: Of course, after all he has too or we rat him out.

Eric: Sweet!

Alicia's uncle: What do you white folks want?

Eric: Manny's white I am Asian!

Uncle: I don't care, so what do you want?

Manny: 20$

Uncle: Here!

Eric: Sweet!

Manny: Oh and Sergio.

Sergio: What?

Manny: Tell Alicia I'll be back when she gets home. (Winks)

Sergio: Bye White folks.

Eric: I am not WHITE!

Then the door slams shut. Manny and Eric then got to a bus stop to go to the Arcade.


Women's Corectional Facility 2008.


Doctor: And here we have Angela Ruth. She Clams that the government built a super lizard for the army. Oh, she also say the tremors of 2004 were Two Super mutant Snakes Fighting.


All: Laughing hysterically.


Doctor: Hello Angela.

Angela: Hello Doctor.

Doctor: She will be realeshed, Later this week.

Angela: Thank god, then I can warn my sons.


Arcade, Dragons pizza palace.


Manny: Jurassic Park is hard!

Eric: Well don't aim at there feet.

Police officer: Manny, Eric!

Both: CRAP!

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Chapter 2: Tremors


Manny's House


Mark: Stupid bike (Smacks motorcycle)


Door bell rings. DING! DING! DING!


Mark: ALRIGHT! I'm coming!


Mark opens the door.


Officer: Is this Yours? (Holding Manny)


Mark: Sigh. Whats he done now?


Officer: Cut school.


Mark: ......


Manny: Let me GO!


The officer leaves.


Manny: Whats wrong?


Mark: Damn it Manny!


Manny: I just cut school, big deal.


Mark: Mom's coming home today!


Manny: that loser?


Mark: Mom ain't a loser!


Manny: She is afraid of a war.


Mark: She saver our lives!


Manny: It might of been a dream! Why do you think she's in that place any way?


Mark: People DIED there Manny! By Those Mutants!


Manny Get it through your head Mark! Those Were dinosaurs not mutants!


Mark And Manny continue to fight. Then the Door opens and there mom is standing in the door way.


Angela: Hi guys.


Mark: Mom!


The ground shakes and it quickly ends.


Angela: The Cobra!


Manny: MOM SHUT UP!!!!!!

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