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Your weirdest Yu Gi Oh experience

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Someone bought 1 LODT SE, and 1 Game king special repackaged packs deal, and I got to pick 3 cards, cover cards from the special pack were not included. I picked my 3 cards, I pulled 1 Ultra rare Solar Recharge from the LODT SE pack, 1 Ultra rare Test Tiger from the 1 GLAS pack that came in the game king pack, and my other card was Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi (common from a CRV pack that came in the game king pack. That was weird! I'm very lucky though. I've already decked Test Tiger in my GB deck, and Solar Recharge has already been decked in my Lightsworn deck that I use at locals.

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Bought a booster and kept saying "Judgement Dragon, Judgement Dragon" and I DIDN'T pull it!


Back when I was a noob I got into some duel where I lost because of some stupid thing like not being able to play cards, and I thought "I would have won if I had Infinite Cards" and then I bought a pack and drew it. And whenever I told that story people laughed at me for thinking that card was actually good.

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