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Diablos Force Arcana's


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Diablos Force - Arcana I

Level 1 - ATK 500 DEF 500

When Summoned, draw 1 card, then activate 1 of following

Monster - Special summon 1 monster with Arcana in name

Trap - Draw 3 cards, then discard 2

Magic - Flip this card into face down defense position


Diablos Force - Arcana II

Level 2 - ATK 800 DEF 500

When Summoned, flip a coin and activate one of the following

Tails - Special Summon 1 monster from your graveyard

Heads - Increase life points by 1000 every turn this card is on field


Diablos Force - Arcana III

Level 3 - ATK 1500 DEF 1000

When Summoned, roll a die, and active one of following

1 or 2 - Draw 3 cards and special summon any monsters you draw

3 or 4 - Discard 2 cards from hand, increase ATK power by 2500

5 or 6 - Inflict 1000 damage to opponent


Diablos Force - Arcana V

Level 4 - ATK 1900 DEF 1800

When Summoned, decrease life points to do one of following

500 points - Draw 5 cards, and discard 3 to graveyard

1000 points - Special Summon 1 monster from your opponents graveyard

2000+ points - Take 0 battle damage for 3 turns


Diablos Force - Arcana IV

Level 5 - ATK 2100 DEF 1500

When Summoned, draw 2 cards, then activate 1 or 2 of the following

Monster - Special summon 2 monsters from hand

Trap - Remove 5 cards in graveyard from play

Magic - Increase life points by 1500


Diablos Force - Arcana IIV

Level 6 - ATK 2400 DEF 2000

When Summoned, remove from play up to 30 cards from grave, then activate 1 of following

10 cards - Increase ATK by 3000

20 cards - Draw 10 cards, then remove 2 more cards from play

30 cards - Special Summon 1 card from deck then increase ATK by 3000


Diablos Force - Arcana IIIV

Level 7 - ATK 2800 DEF 2500

When Summoned, toss a coin, then activate 1 of the following

Heads - Destroy 2 cards on the field and remove them from play

Tails - Remove from play 1 of your monsters then draw 1 card


Diablos Force - Arcana VV

Level 8 - ATK 3000 DEF 2800

When Summoned, roll a die then activate 1 of the following

1 to 3 - Add 1 trap or magic card from deck to hand

4 to 6 - Add 1 trap and 1 magic cards from deck to hand


Diablos Force - Arcana IVV

Level 9 - ATK 3200 DEF 3000

When Summoned, draw 1 card then activate 1 of the following

Monster - Special Summon Diablos Force - Arcana X

Trap - Activate the ability of Arcana monster removed from play

Magic - Draw 3 more cards, then remove 2 of them from play


Diablos Force - Arcana X

Level 10 - ATK 3500 DEF 3300

When Summoned, discard up to 5 cards from hand, then activate 1 of following

1 card - Remove 2 cards in deck from play, then draw 3 cards

3 cards - Increase ATK by 1500

5 cards - Increase life points by 1000 per turn for 3 turns


Diablos Force - Arcana XI

Level 11 - ATK 3900 DEF 3500

When Summoned, toss a coin, then activate 1 of the following

Heads - Remove 5 cards from play, then increase life points by 800 for each monster

Tails - Increase life points by 500 for each card removed from play


Diablos Force - Arcana XII

Level 12 - ATK 4500 DEF 4000

When Summoned, roll a die, then activate 1 of the following

1 or 3 or 5 - Activate The tails part of Arcana XII's effect

2 or 4 or 6 - Add 1 "Arcana King" to your hand, removed from play or not


Diablos Force - Arcana King

Level 12 - ATK 5000 DEF 5000

When Summoned, activate the following effects

1 - Increase life points by 500 for every card removed from play

2 - Increase this card's ATK by 1000 for every card removed from play

3 - Special Summon as many monsters removed from play as possible


Diablos Force - Arcana Queen

Level 12 - ATK 3500 DEF 3000

When Summoned, activate the following effects

1 - Inflict 500 points of damage for every card removed from play

2 - Add 1 Arcana Bonding to your hand, removed from play or not

3 - Send 20 cards from opponents deck from play


Diablos Force - Arcana Archlord

Level 12 - ATK 10000 DEF 10000

When Summoned, activate the following effects

1 - Special Summon Arcana King and Arcana Queen, removed from play or not

2 - Inflict 800 damage for every card removed from play

3 - Destroy every card on your opponents side of the field, and remove them from play


Diablos Force - Arcana Hell God

Level 12 - ATK Infinity DEF Infinity

When Summoned activate the following effects

1 - Remove from play every card on field, grave, and hand except this card

2 - Special Summon any of your Arcana cards removed from play

3 - Add the ATK of all monsters removed from play to your life points


Diablos Force - Arcana Creator

Level 12 - ATK 0 DEF 0

When Summoned, activate 1 of the following effects

1 - Instantly win the duel

2 - Make life points Infinity

3 - Inflict 25000 damage


Arcana Power Surge

Magic Card

When played, activate 1 of the following effects

1 - Special Summon Arcana hell god at the cost of 15000 life points

2 - Special Summon Arcana Creator at the cost of 25000 life points


Arcana Bonding

Magic Card

When played, activate 1 of the following effects

1 - Sacrifice 1 monster on your side of the field, increase life points by 800 for every star

2 - Draw 5 cards, and remove from play 5 in your graveyard


Des Rook Ku Yeh

Trap Card

When Played, activate 1 of the following effects

1 - Inflict 1000 points of damage for every Arcana card on field

2 - Increase life points by 1000 for every Arcana Card on the field

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