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Corrupt A Wish


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Wish granted but you get eaten then digested then... well... i'm not going further than that but you get the idea.



I wish this game would end but i would still be alive and everything and theres no catches and the only thing that would happen would be that the Game "Corrupt A Wish" Would End. And that the way it would end is that it would be locked by Tkill93 himself. So this wish stays valid. And Tkill93 doesn't loose his Super Mod Power ever so he can lock this thread. And no one can unlock it not even YCMaker. And every time Tkill93 or anyone else tries to make a game like this, similar to this, or exactly the same as this a CPU Error comes up and their account gets banned so their game never appears.

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Wish granted but you abuse your powers and everyone on YCM hunts you down and kills you. And then your banned...... Lol.


I wish this game would end but i would still be alive and everything and theres no catches and the only thing that would happen would be that the Game "Corrupt A Wish" Would End. And that the way it would end is that it would be locked by Tkill93 himself. So this wish stays valid. And Tkill93 doesn't loose his Super Mod Power ever so he can lock this thread. And no one can unlock it not even YCMaker. And every time Tkill93 or anyone else tries to make a game like this, similar to this, or exactly the same as this a CPU Error comes up and their account gets banned so their game never appears. And this is all on the YCM (Yugioh Card Maker) Forums. The real one. This one. The one thats site is http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/index.php Yeh. That one.

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Wish granted but then Konami and Nintendo sue you and you lose all your money.


I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like...I wish for a neverending wish like... A PONY!!

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Me wishing the next person makes a wish, then you wouldn't be able to make a wish since that's the only way to corrupt my wish. Hehe.


Granted, but you were treated with the title "other website chatroom", so everyone killed you instead.


I wish that I get my wish corrupted.

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Wish granted, but the wish takes you along with it!


I wish I grew as tall as my dad. (He is not as tall as the universe or as short as an atom.)

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Wish granted, but your grounded and everyone in the world is playing and your not. sucks to be you!!!


I wish I owned my friend on Brawl which my friend is getting this weekend.

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Wish granted, but, you become so addicted to computers (from no sleep), you accidentally, um, explode the comp.....lol....random....

(and, how would you sleep with girls?)


______I got a good wish__________

I wish I could........



















get YCMaker to update the card maker with synchros

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Wish granted' date=' but, you become so addicted to computers (from no sleep), you accidentally, um, explode the comp.....lol....random....

(and, how would you sleep with girls?)


______I got a good wish__________

I wish I could........



















get YCMaker to update the card maker with synchros



Wish Granted, but YCMaker decides to shut down YCM, including the Card Maker, because of you.


I wish that I could Bench Press my house!

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