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Corrupt A Wish


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Granted, but you get hit in the head with it, so even though you live for a century, you spend that century in a vegetative state, so you cant enjoy it.


I wish that I had my head back, and that people would stop removing it or playing basketball with it.

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I wish that I had a Covenant Assault Carrier that worked FOR THE REST OF MY NATURAL, NON-SHORTED, CENTURY LONG life, and that I was able to command it, and enjoy the command......AS A MGALEKGOLO (Hunter from Halo) IN INSECTOID ARMOR!!!!!! (And that I don't get squashed. (Then again, I couldn't be, I'd be over 10 ft tall.))

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granted, but this song is even worse and will get stuck in your head as well.


I wish that you realized that by not corrupting my wish, in an attempt to corrupt it, you actually granted it without any corruption at all, effectively corrupting it, making it uncorrupted, which corrupts it, uncorrupting it, which corrupts it, uncorrupting it, etc.

Congradulations, you created an infinite loop that kills the universe. Now we are floating in space.
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