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Elemental Lord Fusion Monster

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(Elemental Fighter Sparkbolt + Elemental Fighter Forceblaze)

This card can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by Releasing the above Fusion Material Monsters you control. (You do not use Polymerization.) (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) This card's Attribute is also treated as FIRE. Release 2 "Elemental Lord" or "Elemental Fighter" monsters in order to draw 5 cards. Deal 200 damage to your opponent's Life Points for every "Elemental Fighter" or "Elemental Hero" monster you drew. Afterwards, discard the 5 cards you drew from your hand.



Anyone who can help me find good pictures for these cards will be awarded either 3 Reputation or 50 Points. You may choose which prize you want if I pick your images.

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Oops! It's supposed to be a Fusion! Can you tell me my OCG errors?


OCG errors...hmmm...

1. It's can' date=' not [b']may[/b] in card text.

2. Let me rephrase Sparkblase's effect: This card can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by Releasing the above Fusion Material Monsters you control. (You do not use Polymerization.) (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) This card's Attribute is also treated as FIRE. Release 2 "Elemental Lord" or "Elemental Fighter" monsters in order to draw 5 cards. Deal 200 damage to your opponent's Life Points for every "Elemental Fighter" or "Elemental Hero" monster you drew. Afterwards, discard 5 cards from your hand.

3. Now for Forceblaze's: Whenever this monster attacks a monster your opponent controls, increase this card's attack by 500 for every "Elemental Lord" or "Elemental Fighter" monster you control. Whenever this monster is destroyed by battle, Release 1 "Elemental Fighter"or "Elemental Lord" monster you control in order to Special Summon this monster from the Graveyard.


Other than that, I find Sparkblaze a little underpowered, but his ability to Fuse without Polymerization is a great boon.

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