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Deck Building Competition


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Ok, I'm bored, and just read the rules that suggested that I may do this.




Deck size 40-45 cards.


May 08 list applies, minus the following changes, to make it interesting.


Cannot use:




E hero Avian

E hero Sparkman

E Hero Burstinatrix

E Hero Clayman

Evil Hero Dark Gaia

Dark Armed Dragon

Judgment Dragon

Demise - King of Armageddon

Sky Scourge Norleras

Phantom of Chaos

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Dark Magician of Chaos

Monster Reborn

Destiny Hero - Disc Commander

Machine Duplication

Chimeratech Over Dragon

Cyber Twin Dragon

Cyber End Dragon

Treeborn Frog

Card of Safe Return

Crush Card Virus

Il Blud (for lulz)

Six Samurai United

Morphing Jar

Chain Strike

Left Leg of the Forbidden one

Level Limit Area - B

Gravity Bind

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Dragon's Mirror

Sorceror of Dark Magic


Future Fusion

Dragoon D-End (whatever it's name is in English)

Scared Phoenix of Nephythis

Freed The Matchless General (LAWL)

Dark General Freed

Reinforcements of the Army

Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo Daedalus

Skill Drain

Deck Devastation Virus

Eradicator Epidemic Virus

Destiny Hero - Dogma

Destiny Hero - Plasma

Samsara Lotus


Limit 1:

Allure of Darkness

Trade In

Solar Recharge

Destiny Draw

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Call of the Haunted

Lonefire Blossom

Zombie Master

Van'Dalgyon The Dark Dragon Lord

Dark Bribe

Bountiful Armetis (however Armetis is spelt)

Cloudian - Altus (3 counter -> 1 card opp. hand)

Cloudian - Cirrostratos (the 2 counter -> one monster one)

Anything with "Volcanic" or "Roid(s)" in the name.

Anything with "Gadget" or "Ancient Gear" in the name.

Arcana Force - The World

Apprentice Magician

Crystal Beast - Sapphire Pegasus

Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

Dark World Dealings

Dark World Lightning

Goldd - Dark World Guy (you know what I mean)

Stealth Bird

Messenger Of Peace

Tribe Infecting Virus


A Legendary Ocean

Destiny Hero - Dasher


Limit 2:

Caius (for the extra lulz)


Great Shogun Shien

Card Trooper


Spirit of the Six Samurai


Current TCG cards only.


Basically, I want to see a deck that is completely original, thus the change in the allowed cards making every current Meta Deck useless. I know a lot of it looks stupid, but it prevents every current meta, rather, any deck at all, idea I could think of from being built.


I leave it at, good luck to you.

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Well. Heres one.


I clicked a link in your siggy Jesus, and it showed me this.


Example 4: Bob and Jimmy Hendirx are in Game 1 of a Match. Time is called.


In the situation the three turns rule applies as does the rules if the lifepoints are tied after those three turns. Whoever wins this duel wins the match.


Then I thought this


3x Arcana Force 0 the fool

1x Marshmallon

1x Spirit Reaper

3x Mystic Tomato

3x Shining Angel

3x Stealth Bird (or Mecha Dog Marron)

3x Solar Flare Dragon

1x UFO Turtle


3x Molten Destruction

3x Tremendous Fire

3x Hinotama

3x Poison of the old man


1x Mirror Force

3x Threatening Roar

3x Waboku

3x Hallowed Life Barrier


Take a Half Hour first turn, win by having the perfect deck for a time out. :)

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Nice concept but:

Procedural Error—Slow Play (Penalty: Warning)


This penalty is appropriate when a player unintentionally causes a minor delay of the game. Players are responsible for playing at an efficient pace regardless of the complexity of the situation in the game or the number of decisions that have to be made.


The longer you take the more serve penatly

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Nice concept but:

Procedural Error—Slow Play (Penalty: Warning)


This penalty is appropriate when a player unintentionally causes a minor delay of the game. Players are responsible for playing at an efficient pace regardless of the complexity of the situation in the game or the number of decisions that have to be made.


The longer you take the more serve penatly


Oh, I thought only MTG had that >.>


Looks like my plan failed.

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2 doom lord

2 double dude

1 snatch steal

2 negate attack

1 mirror force

1 destiny hero dasher

1 elemental hero wildhart

2 mystical space typhoon

1 heavystorm

2 wavemotion-cannon

2 premature burial

2 magic cylinder

2 lightning vortex

1 bottomless trap hole

2 Evil Hero malicious edge

1 torrential tribute

1 call of the haunted

1 magic jammer

1 trap jammer

1 different dimension capsule

1 destiny hero disc commander

1 prsion clock tower

1 dreadmaster

2 destiny hero defender

1 evil hero enfernal gainer

1 cyber dragon

1 pot of greed

1 destiny hero captain tinacious

1 destiny hero dunker

1 destiny hero dread servant

1 tactical espionage expert

1 destiny hero diamond dude

1 dark city

1 destiny hero departed


there's my deck.

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2 Gladiator Beast Darius

3 Gladiator Beast Bestiari

2 Gladiator Beast Hoplomos

2 Gladiator Beast Murmillo

2 Gladiator Beast Laquiri

1 Gladiator Beast Secutor

3 Elemental Hero Prisma

3 Test Tiger

1 Elemental Hero Stratos


3 Gladiator Beast Proving Ground

2 Cold Wave

2 Shrink

2 E - Emergency Call

1 Heavy Storm


1 Premature Burial


3 Waboku

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute



3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 Flower Wolf

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