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Mike2084's Organization of Open Conflicts ~FREE REP FOR FIRST 10 THAT JOIN!~

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OOC, is an elite group of members. Created to try and help restore balance to the forums and its users. This club will help others, whether it be making better cards, going through a tragedy, and other things that just basically help people and their needs.



1. Builds confidence for other members and yourself to express yourself in your own way.

2. Monthly contests, hosted by me and the Vice Executive of OOC

3. If a member reaches their quota for the week, they will be rewarded a rep.

4. Your part of an elite organization of members, just have fun!



1. Must be a 4 star or above

2. Must PM me after posting in the thread, so I can do a interview/overview of you.

3. There is a monthly fee, 2 points, a common price to pay for the good that you will receive and give.

4. Must pay 5 points to join.



Executive -Owner of OOC, it may be passed down: Mike2084

Vice Executive -Co-Owner of OOC, may only be overruled by the Executive:


Card Master -Will receive orders from Vice Executive or Executive to creat cards for the OOC's Card Creation Foundation: Atomix

Card Assistant -Second in command of the OOC Card Creation Foundation: Arekku_Koro 13

Card Server 1 -Will help create cards for the OOC Card Creation Foundation:

Card Server 2 -Will help create cards for the OOC Card Creation Foundation:


Secretary -Keeps track of all point fundings, must keep list of who owes dues to the OOC:

Vice Secretary -Helps the Secretary organize all dues to the OOC:


Manager of Conflicts -Will be taking any submissions from the interns: Chaos Master Ygo

Vice Manager of Conflicts -Will help Manager of Conflicts:


Lead Art Designer -Will create any art designs the OOC needs, such as a banner:

Secondary Art Designer -Will create any art designs the OOC needs, can be overruled by Lead Art Designer.


Intern 1 -Will help anyone who needs it in any rank and will submit people that need help or are struggling. This is the lowest rank:

Intern 2 -Will help anyone who needs it in any rank and will submit people that need help or are struggling. This is the lowest rank:


Each member (excluding the Executive) has a 4 person quota for helping people for the week or they will get what is called an Warning Sit Down. Which will consist of me talking to them and why they did not make there quota. If it happens a second time, they will have another Warning Sit Down, in which I will explain if I should fire or not. If an emergency comes up you have what is called vacation powers. Which means if you get 2 people helped out for the week because of vacation or other needs, it will take away 1 of your 2 vacation powers. If you get a person that needs help card making, etc. PM me or the Vise Executive so me and him/her may work together to solve the problem. If you go over your quota, you will earn 1 rep.


Any member that joins will automatically get 1 rep as well. Remember you must PM for a job after posting on this thread. I hope the OOC treats you all well!

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Congrats, as cardcreator_444 is now an official member. It would be nice if we could have a secretary early on however, as the point system might get out of hand without them. cardcreator_444 do not forget the 5 points entry fee.


@ Atomix and magno: I will PM you the interview forms.

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Ok, Mike2084 said i am Vice Executive, but meanwhile when hes in band camp, from Wednesday to next Friday, he wants me to be incharge and recruit more members. Don't worry, if you are a member that hates me, i'm only tempororeraly incharge.

I will try my hardest, and i am looking for an intern, so if you aply for the job of intern, you will get a bonus rep for joining for just being the intern, on top of the rep that you get when you join, that's not bad.

Thanks for reading...


~cardcreator 444

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The above is true. I will be leaving from Wendsday until NEXT Friday, so if cardcreator PMs of any trouble makers, I will be sure to know who to kick upon my overview. Also cardcreator_444 and all others looking to join the OOC. We need a Secretary badly at the moment, and it would be a great help to all the members. The secretary will also get a bonus +rep.

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