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Zombie Deck

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Monsters: 20

Lv 7 and up: 1


The Creator x1


Lv 5-6: 7


Vampire Lord x3

Patrician of Darkness x1

Ryu Kokki x3


Lv 4 and less: 12


D.D. Warrior Lady x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Sangan x1

Regenerating Mummy x1

Exiled Force x1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1

Pyramid Turtle x3

Morphing Jar x1


Spells: 11


Book of Life x3

Premature Burial x1

Fissure x1

Heavy Storm x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Card of Safe Return x2

Monster Reborn x1


Traps: 9


Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Sakuretsu Armor x3

Needle Ceiling x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Raigeki Break x1

Dust Tornado x1


Total # of cards: 40


So, I might be able to go to my first local turney this weekend, and this is my best deck. Of course, there are a few must have cards that I am, unfortunately, missing (like Giant Rats, mirror force, Il Blood, and zombie master ). What I want to know, is if there is anything else that I might be missing, and how I did while building this deck with what I have. This deck has done surprisingly well against My friend's Macro Monarch deck (This deck has actually beaten his macro monarch deck more times than he has beaten me... Don't ask me how... ). So yeah, make suggestions, I'll see if I have the card that your suggesting, and tell me how I did... Oh, and I need to know what I should put in a side deck (I 'm at a complete lost when it comes to creating a side deck... )


P.S. I'm gonna get destroyed at this tourney, aren't I?

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take out patrician and add cyber dragons and soul absorbing tower is bad and yes you will probly get recked unless their all complete tools and get rid of trap hole for another bottomless traphole and make a side deck that contains at least 2 dd crows

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If you dont have zombie master there is no point running zombies


Trust me' date=' If I had zombie masters, they'd be in here already. Until I get them, I have to make due without them...


take out patrician and add cyber dragons and soul absorbing tower is bad and yes you will probly get recked unless their all complete tools and get rid of trap hole for another bottomless traphole and make a side deck that contains at least 2 dd crows


Another bottomless will be added and I'll try to get a couple of crows and cyber dragons off of my friend. Patrician and soul absorbing will be taken out ASAP (though, I love soul absorbing... )


anyone else have any suggestions?

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This is my zombies. Try too build something like this.


2x Il Blud

2x Ryu Kokki

2x Cyber Dragon

3x Zombie Master

3x Goblin Zombie

3x Pyrimid Turtle

1x Spirt Reaper

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

2x D.D crow



3x Card of Safe Return

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Creature Swap

1x Premature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

3x Book Of Life

2x Lightning Vortex

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm



3x Regeki Break

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trape Dustshoot


In you'r side deck you should also have solmn judgements and anti meta.

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This is my zombies. Try too build something like this.


2x Il Blud don't have

2x Ryu Kokki

2x Cyber Dragon don't have yet

3x Zombie Master I want these

3x Goblin Zombie don't have

3x Pyrimid Turtle

1x Spirt Reaper

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter Is he a must?

2x D.D crow don't have yet



3x Card of Safe Return only have 2

2x Allure of Darkness don't have

2x Creature Swap I was thinking of adding these' date=' but I don't know what to take out for them[/b']

1x Premature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

3x Book Of Life

2x Lightning Vortex Is 2 needed?

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm



3x Regeki Break

1x Mirror Force *crys*

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trape Dustshoot don't have


In you'r side deck you should also have solmn judgements and anti meta.


What do you mean by anti meta? and I don't have any solemns, sadly...

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Everything has a purpose. Snipe hunter and LV is playable cause all the drawing. Also it helps clear there field for OTK. and zombie master isn't all that exspensive on ebay.


Huh... I heard that people usually only play 1 lightning... I guess I heard wrong...


what should I take out for the lightning and the snipe hunter *all ready has an idea*?

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I updated the deck a little and I'll be able to borrow 3 zombie masters for the tourney


also, I checked the prices for zombie master on ebay and, if everything goes right, I might be able to get them ^_^


unfortunately, my friend traded all of his D.D. crows away...


question: should I put magic drains in here? if so, what should I take out?


thanks for all the help so far peoplez ^_^

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