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Yugioh-Hidden Legacy RP (Started)


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occ sure man no prob

ok well i draw and play in defense mode my s.d crab attack/1200 defense/1900/effect when this card is summoned destroy one face-down spell or trap on the field,in addtion draw 1 card.then i draw again and play nobleman of crossout.destroying you face-down monster,now i'll have my exploder dragon and s.d dragon lv3 attack.

end turn

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"the light will go first" justin said drawing a card from his deck. "first off i will have the power to control destiny" justin said sliding his card into his back field zone of his duel disk.


"but dont get to excited i summon Arcana Force 3 - The Empress to the field" he said placing the card into the moster card zone.


Effect: Toss a coin when this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned successfully. This card will gain 1 of the following effects according to the result of the coin:

Heads: Each time your opponent Normal Summons a monster, you may Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with "Arcana Force" in its card name. If the Special Summoned monster requires Tributes, you must offer the Tributes to Special Summon it.

Tails: Each time your opponent Normal Summons a monster, discard 1 card from your hand.



a robotic angle appeard on the field. with a card above her head rotating "normaly u would tell it when to stop but sence i have control of destiny here she will land right side up" justin said with a giggle as a white arura gatherd around justins monster. "ill end with 2 face downs" he said sliding 2 cards in to his duel disk.


Hand: 2

Field: The Empress (1300/1300)

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"we will see i draw" justin draws 1 card from his deck increasing his hand to 3. "i pay 500 life points to keep my control over destiny" on justins duel disk his life points flash down to 7500. "ready to see what u are" justin asks "but first i play my Pentacle of Ace so i can draw 1 card and add it to my hand then increase my life points by 500"


Toss 1 coin when this card is activated. Depending on whether the toss is heads or tails, activate 1 of the following effects:

Heads: Draw 1 card from your Deck, and increase your Life Points by 500 points.

Tails: Your opponent draws 1 card from his/her Deck and increases his/her Life Points by 500 points.


Justin draws and his life points flash back to 8000 "hmm now u can meet him Arcana Force 4 - The Emperor" Justin slams the card into place.


Toss a coin when this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned successfully. This card will gain 1 of the following effects according to the result of the coin:

Heads: Increase the ATK of all face-up monsters on your side of the field with "Arcana Force" in their card names by 500 points.

Tails: Decrease the ATK of all face-up monsters on your side of the field with "Arcana Force" in their card names by 500 points.


A angle like Demon appears next to the empress. the card above his head land face up. "well what do u know another face up card" justin giggles "now all my monsters gain 500 extra attack points. now to pu them to use my Emperor attacks the first face down u played" justin points as the demons claws launch towards the face down card.

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"befor i end i play Cup of Ace so i can draw 2 cards" Justin shows the card befor sending it to the graveyard. he then draws 2 cards.


Toss 1 coin when this card is activated. Depending on whether the toss is heads or tails, you aquire 1 of the following effects:

Heads: Draw 2 cards from your Deck.

Tails: Your opponent draws 2 cards from his/her Deck.


End turn

Hand: 3

Field: Emperor (1900/1400) Emperess (1800/1300), Control Destony, 2 s/t

lp: 7500

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Michal: Fine

draw - hand 3

field - 2 Giant Germs


Michal:I switch my 2 Giant Germs into DEF position and Summon Shining Angel in ATK position, then I'll play 1 card face down and end


LP - 8000

Hand - 2 cards

Field - 2 Giant Germs in DEF mode and 1 Shining Angel in ATK mode

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"now thanks to my Empress sence u normal summoned im aloud to special summon 1 Arcana force monster to my side of the field. So i choose another Emperor" Justin says.


"now its my turn and i draw" Justin draws 1 card and his life points fash down to 7000. "first off i play my Arcanatic Doomscythe" he places the card slowly into the card slot.


Select 1 monster that includes "Arcana Force" in it's card name from your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. During the turn this card is activated, inflict Damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of any monsters destroyed as a result of battle on your opponent's side of the field.


Justin pulls out his deck and pulls 1 card from it. "i send my Arcana Force 15 - The Fiend to the graveyard.


Now my Empress and one or my Emperors will attack those germs" justin says as the angle and demon begin to attack.

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"ill activate my face down card as well called Gift of Light so i tribute the Emperor and save my life points with an added bonus" justin say revealing his face down.


"now i draw 1 card and increase my life points by 500" Justin draws 1 card and his life points flash to 7500. At this time the Empress beam of light makes contact and destroys germ. "i might take 500 but u take a 1000 thanks to doomscythe. My 2nd Emperor will finish the last germ off"

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He watched the duel between Justin and Michal. Seeing the Arcana Force cards suprised him. Surely they were destroyed when the wielder was? Wasn't he? They were a symbol of the Light Of Destruction. But, then, how did this boy get them?


He pondered this question as he continued to walk throught the arena.

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draw - hand 3

LP 6000


I summon Snipe Hunter, so I'll use his Special Ability, I discard 1 card and roll an dice, it's 4, so say goodbye to your Emperess, and I discard another card to my grave, it's 2, so say goodbye to your Emperor. Then I change Shining Angel to DEF mode.


I end


Hand - 0

field - Snipe Hunter, Shining Angel, 1 face down s/t

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Riley looked through his cards, and the duel that was going on.


*This dark energy inside of me does help me to get stronger, but it also makes me tired. I suppose I will take a rest, then I will find out what's going on with Kando.*

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"no attack big mistake" justin draws 1 card from his deck and pays 500 more lp. "i play my Necro Sacrifice"


Select 1 Level 5 or higher monster in your hand. Special Summon monsters from your Graveyard to your opponent's side of the field equal to the number of Tributes required to Normal Summon the selected monster. (Your opponent selects whether the monsters are Special Summoned in Attack Position or Defense Position.) During the turn this card is activated, you may Normal Summon the selected monster without Tribute


"So ill give u my Empress and Emperor but dont get 2 cocky look" Justin points to the cards above the monsters "their up side down bu i on the other hand have this my most powerfull monster in my deck Arcana Force 21 - The World"


Toss a coin when this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned successfully. This card will gain 1 of the following effects according to the result of the coin:

Heads: By sending 2 monsters on your side of the field to the Graveyard during your End Phase, your opponent must skip 1 turn.

Tails: Your opponent adds the top card of your opponent's Graveyard and adds it to his/her hand during your opponent's Draw Phase on his/her turn.


(occ) u choise their mode

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