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Yugioh-Hidden Legacy RP (Started)


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"And my turn begins!! *Draws a card* Ill activate my pot of greed so i can draw 2 card *Draws 2 cards* Next its time to have some.. fun Ill activate my Soul Powah spell card so now by removing 3 monster with "Split Soul" from my Graveyard from play i can summon 2 Split soul monsters from my deck, I choose my Fatal Angel, Zela and my Angel of death, Aruna and i pick them to both be fairys."


*looked towards her and wondered if she thought she still had a chance*


"Next my Zela's effect activates, by giving up 500 lifepoints i can destroy all your spell and trap cards. Now Aruna attack her Heartless"





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Ooc: Sorry I got that stupid CPU Over usage error


"I tribute my face down monster, now all damage dealt this turn is your down fall times two which results in 4400 damage to you."



*Her hand is placed on the top of her deck when the queen's effect is working* *She places her shades back on*

"Well that was my fun for now, also don't lose, Angel Boy I want to duel you again." *She smiles then sits against a wall and falls asleep*

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As Riley walked away, he seemed he'd forgotten that he was going to die, thanks to the special duel he ordered. He only had a day to beat more duelists, before all his energy would be drained from his body.


As the darkness cleared, he saw Jack and Jesse still watching him, until he found cards all over where Riley once stood. Jesse ran over there, thinking they might be his Crystal Beasts.


As Haine walked away, he felt someone following him.


"All right, what do you want?"

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As Jessie searched the cards, he found nothing useful at all. It seemed Riley had taken only his Crystal Beast cards, and left everything else.


Riley knew he did not have a lot of energy left. He still had once chance though. If he could defeat another duelist in an energy duel, he could get back enough of his energy to return to normal. Riley drew the top card from his deck. It was that card again.

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While seeing that some of the better duelist where gone and there where mostly rookies left so he desided to leave but then Hermos told him that The challenge he was waiting maybe could be in a diffrent dimmension where a the Better duelist where transported. Using the power of hermos he was gone to same dimmension.

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Still in hiding, he begins to sense that something is wrong with him from inside his head. *I'd better stay low until I can figure all of this out. What is happening to me?* He begins to hear another voice in his head. *Voice: You will suffer me!* He becomes a little frightened and backs up a little. He yells out. "Who is there?" *Voice: Not who, but what, oh and also, this voice is in your head, you need to be talking to me with your thinking voice.* *Azure: Oh right, go on. So who are you?* *Voice: Who am I? I think we've met before. Remember the darkness that infected you before, when you were out on your little Grand Prix?* *Azure: Oh no! Not you again! I thought my little brother destroyed you!* *Voice: He did, but a remnant of my darkness remained in your head, waiting to be awakened. All of that dark energy that other duelist was emitting was just the power I needed to wake up from my sleep. Finally, after all this time, a real challenge and a suitable host for my new body.* *Azure: No, I won't let you do this to anyone else.* *Voice: I'm afraid you don't have a choice! I'll now send your soul into the Shadows of this body's mind.* Azure felt like his entire being was being restrained and taken over. Soon enough, he stopped struggling and the evil inside him took over. Azure: Finally, the Azure Shadow is back. And now, I'll show everyone the true power of the Shadow Flame! But first, I need to prepare myself for the big battle against this evil by recruiting more people, so I can absorb there powers too. So I'll just hide in the shadows, where I can obtain most of my power." And so he disappears into the shadows, not to be seen again.

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justin finally finished his food and stood up. "my energy is finally restored to where it was" he said looking down at his deck. It glow whiter than snow. its white aura reach out to justins golden gaughtlets turning them white. he smiled at his acomplishment. "saiou look at ur student now stronger than u will ever be". a smile from ear to ear came across justins face.

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Seto Kaiba was watching all of the duels going on in the arena.


"Excuse me, may I ask you a question?"


He turns around to find Haine standing there, his face expression changing from an evil frown, to a sinister grin. However, his hand was not demonic.


A sign that Yubel wandered away on her own.

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In a small back area of the arena, Yubel saw Jack and Jesse looking up towards Haine. She was particularly interested in Jesse. Seeing as he lost his Crystal Beasts, there was only one thing to do.


Yubel was going to corrupt Jesse once again, to exact revenge against Riley.

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Jesse felt very strange, like there was a cold wind in the air. He turned around to see the other duels, but saw Yubel staring at him. Jesse, in shock, couldn't move at all. Jack turned around.


"Jesse, are you all right?"


Jesse just stood there, mouth wide open, couldnt even move a mussle. Jesse could see Yubel, but Jack couldn't.


Jack turned around to find someone to help, but saw Yubel instead. Jack, scared himself, turned around to grab Jesse, but he was gone. He turned around. Yubel was gone too.


Jack fell to his knee, wondering what to do now with Jesse gone.Where he should look, where he has gone.


He needed answers. And he needed to duel someone to find out.

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