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Yugioh-Hidden Legacy RP (Started)


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Zaar: DAMN IT *Lifepoints drop to 3100* My turn. *Draws a card* Ill play my Demi Angel, Fenix, like i said your not good enough to beat me, so now you get 2 ice tokens, now Fenix attack his first ice token. *Waiting*

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(You can't activated a quick-play spell card from your hand during my turn and it was destroyed during your turn so my attack continous)


For having no cards left in my hand I will end my turn.


Hand: 0

Field: 5 (Red-Eyes Black Dragon 2900/Red-Eyes Black Dragon 2900/Gearfried the Swordmaster 3600/The Seal of Orichalos/Dark Dragon Vist equipt to Gearfried the Swordmaster)

LP: 4000

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Excellent, my new cards just arrived.


Luthor: its about time, i have been waiting for you fools for a day.

Slade: remember, we had a deal.

Luthor: yes, now hand over those cards.



those fools think they will have their end of the bargain, but they won't.


*heads to Duel Arena to find some duelist's*

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He woke up dazed and confused, not knowing what happened. Must've been a migrane, he thought.


As he got up, he looked around for a duelist, looking well, rather picky, for a certain person in general. But who.


That's what he wanted to know.


Edit: 1: Yes, I'm back, hello, hey, what's up, hola, salutations, bien de duesche, howdy, etc.


2: I made a completly different deck in my absence of this fourm, so don't be suprised if the cards I use in this rp are different from before

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"we will see" justin said drawing a card "ill open up with this card control Destrony" justin said as he glow white.


his milk eyes shined as his power rose. "destiny is on my side and theres nothing u can do and to finish off ill set 2 cards and play my arcana force 18" justin reached his hand out a robotic angelic baby rose to the field. it cryed out a bit befor falling asleep.


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Zaar: Ok my turn, I activate this: My Grand Castle of the Angels. Next I'll summon my Demi Angel, Fenix, Atk: 2100. cause of my field spell he gets a 500 points boost and you get 2 ice tokens, Atk: 500. Now Fenix attack his Ice token. *Waiting, btw cause of his effect you lose 500 lifepoints since hes attacking a ice token*




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"ill pu them in deffence. then play my Arcana force light powers" justin said smileing


"now then from my deck i play a spell card" justin deck glows white and a card pops out. he then takes the card and places it into his back field.


"Cup of Ace this lets me draw 2 cards" justin smiles as a card appears above his head and lands right side up. reaching for his deck justin draws 2 cards. at this time the ice monster gets hit by the blast. 7500 justin life point counter reads.

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As he began to wake up, the throbbing pain in his head came back. In agony, he collapsed to the floor.


When he woke up, he saw nothing, but only heard the words........


"You have anger and power beyond any mortal's limitations. The only one who can throw the entire universe into total dissaray. The only being who can wield, gthe most powerful weapon in all of the universe."


He saw pitch black, but then a green, thing, came into view. It was a seal of some sort, and it grew so bright, he closed his eyes.


When he opened his eyes again, he was standing in the crowd again. He looked down at his duel disk. It wasn't like before. It was pitch black, with green outlines, like that seal thing. His deck was flowing with power, too.


Kando looked up and closed his eyes and smirked.


"Heh, so, finally, I'm to gain ultimate power, and I get this? Pff."



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