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Yugioh-Hidden Legacy RP (Started)


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as the blast connected and rihley's life points dropped to 4500 justin laughed. "i activate a card known as cup of ace and with the power to control destiny i think ur future is looking pretty grim for u" justin showed the card and discarded it.



Toss 1 coin when this card is activated. Depending on whether the toss is heads or tails, you aquire 1 of the following effects:

Heads: Draw 2 cards from your Deck.

Tails: Your opponent draws 2 cards from his/her Deck.


justin draws 2 and smiled. "ill just set one of these babies face down" justin said placing them in the card slot. "wheres all that confidence u had" justin asks "is it because u know that no one can deffeat the light"?


end turn

hand: 1

field: the sun (3500/0) , light barrier, control destony, s/t


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Luthor sits down on a bench to relax, but notices someone standing near him.


{well...i guess i could duel him...but i did eat just a few minutes ago}


Looks at the sky while talking "Hey you, want to duel?" Then looks at Mike with a Grin.

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"Why the Rush? I draw" and I start with my Monster-017-MessagesBird-CARD.jpg and next I activated his effect sow I send one card from my hand to the graveyard and give op 100 lifepoints to take one card from my deck and ad it to my hand. Well I think I will place that one face down toghter with this one and end my turn.




LP: 3900

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"Very well. I'll start by playing this card."




"And, of course, a field spell to keep company."




"Not really the deck you were looking to face, eh? Well, my Clone will now leave to make way for this card."




"So, I can simply discard 2 cards from my hand to destroy your face-downs. And with that taken care of......"


He watched as his mechanized behemoth began to charge its cannons for an attack against the strange bird-like creature Rink had summoned before.

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(First of all you can only use that effect during your standby phase

And second:) The first card you destroyed was my Ghost of the card Protector


Name:Ghost of the card Protector

Type: Normal Trap

Choose one spell or trap card on the field this turn your opponent can't destroy that card. When this card is destroyed alll of your spell trap cards can't be destroyed until the end of the turn.


So my second face-down is safe. Now I activated it: Its my

Trap-005-MigrataionSouth-CARD-1.jpg and now my "Birdian - Messages Bird" goes to the graveyard ending your battle phase.

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Luhtor smiles "alright then" activates his duel disk, draws 5 cards.


*Draws 1 card*


"I'll start things off by placing 2 cards f/d and summon a monster f/d, your move" Luthor chuckles.



Hand: 3

field: 2 s/t, f/d monster


OCC: how many Life Points are we gonna have?....i'd say 8000, but you choose.

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occ 8000 i guess.


ok i draw,first i play heavy storm and then i summon my s.d cyber dragon then i'll play my s.d polymeraztion and fuse my s.d proto-cyber dragon to from s.d cyber twin dragon.then finally i attack your face down monster and your life points.then i play one card face-down.


life points 8000

hand: 0

field s.d cyber twin dragon and one card face-down


cards play this turn that were made by me

S.D. Cyber Dragon

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 2100

Def: 1600

This card's name is also treated as "Cyber Dragon". If there is a monster on your opponent's side of the field and there are no monsters on your side of the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play.


S.D. Proto-Cyber Dragon

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 1100

Def: 600

This card's name is also treated as "Proto-Cyber Dragon". This card's name is treated as "S.D. Cyber Dragon" while it is face-up on the field. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play


s.d polymeraztion:effect/fuse two or more fusion materail monster together and summon one s.d fusion monster from you fusion deck






EFFECT/s.d cyber dragon+s.d cyber dragon.

this card may attck twice during the same battle phase

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so you remove my dragon,you'll play for that.i draw and play the pot greed i drew last turn thanks to your cards effect last.now i play my shadow devourer/spell/effect/when this card is played you may bring back a s.d monster that was removed from play on your last battle phase. then i play my mystical space typhoon destroying you face down. and now s.d cyber twin dragon attack with shadow incentartor! then i play a face-down and end my turn

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*Draws 1 card*


Luthor: "i summon Aligas, The Archer-force Centuar, now i activate Magicians Mystic spell, this card allows me to destroy 1 card. and i choose your S.D Cyber Twin Dragon"

*Destroys S.D T Cyber Twin Dragon*

"Now my Aligas will attack your life points twice, dealing 2400 of damage, 1 f/d card. its your more"




LP: 5500


field: archer ATk mode, 1 f/d card

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Rink: Alright than my move. and I start with my Spell-017-MigrataionNorth-CARD.jpg so now I get my Messages bird back plus I get one egg token because er was another Messags bird in my graveyard (the card I discarded) next I sacrefise them both to summon my Monster-014-HolyBird-CARD.jpg in attack mode now Birdian - Holy Bird attack his AT-AP!

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Riley watched as Justin's monster hit him, bringing his lifepoints down to 4500. Then, he drew a card, bringing the total in his hand to 3.


"Are you ready to lose? Because I am ready to defeat you! I activate my Level Modulation Spell Card!"




"Now, you draw two cards, and I get to special summon my Armed Dragon Level 10 from the graveyard!"




Riley looked at Justin.


"Well, any comments!?"


OCC: My turn isn't done, i'm just giving time for you to respond.

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Riley watched as Justin's monster hit him, bringing his lifepoints down to 4500. Then, he drew a card, bringing the total in his hand to 3.


"Are you ready to lose? Because I am ready to defeat you! I activate my Level Modulation Spell Card!"




"Now, you draw two cards, and I get to special summon my Armed Dragon Level 10 from the graveyard!"




Riley looked at Justin.


"Well, any comments!?"


OCC: My turn isn't done, i'm just giving time for you to respond.

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Justin laughed as he drew 2 cards from his deck. he pointed at rihly "are u blind u have 1 card left and u summoned a monster that is weaker than my monster" justin pulled his hand back and made a fist his eyes glow white energy. "even if u use his ability ur future still looks bleak! just because u have strength dont mean u know how to use it" justin put his hand down to the side. "finish ur move so i can end u" he said as his smile fades.

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Justin laughed as he drew 2 cards from his deck. he pointed at rihly "are u blind u have 1 card left and u summoned a monster that is weaker than my monster" justin pulled his hand back and made a fist his eyes glow white energy. "even if u use his ability ur future still looks bleak! just because u have strength dont mean u know how to use it" justin put his hand down to the side. "finish ur move so i can end u" he said as his smile fades.

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