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Rubys Tutorial Archive For Beginners - Includes Splicing & A Gimp Tut

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How To Splice


Want to learn how to splice? Watch

this video for a detailed splice tutorial.






Want to learn how to infernize, that

sub-recolor step to make the splice look

like its evolving? Then look at this Tutorial.






Here is an easy and simple,

and effective recolor step.






Here is another easy and simple,

and effective recolor step.








Watch this video to learn how to add a Font to GIMP.


GIMP, A Font



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Yes, I apologize for that


The Hypercam makes the computer go really slow,


but in the video it shows it going really fast :S


Thanks for the comment ^_^




It would be Immensly harder on Gimp, i don't have a tut for that sorry

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I just figured out I DO have Paint on my comp... well I'll try this now. If it fails I'll just edit this post and say "I failed...bad!"


EDIT: Well I think it's good, but the recoloring wasn't working good so I used the paint can to fill instead of eraser... Here is Deomewrai (deoxys+mewtwo+darkrai) I used same pokemons as you, but different base.



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