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Oppression Monarch

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I wanna play test this in my locals this weekend so here it is.



1x Raiza The Storm Monarch

3x Caius The Shadow Monarch

2x Thestalos The firestorm Monarch

1x Prime Material Dragon

3x Dekoichi The Battleenchanted Locomotive

3x Gravekeeper's Gaurd

2x Mask of Darkness

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter


Spells: 11

2x Book Of Moon

2x Allure Of Darkness

3x Soul Exchange

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Pot of Avarice



1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Mind Crush

2x Bottomless Trape hole

3x Reckless Greed

3x Royal Oppression

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Though seriously, I can't see how any waiting can be involved. Here's the rulings on Treeborn Frog. He can be Special Summoned again in the same standby phase that he is destroyed or negated. Using Oppression on him is just a waste of life points.



If you Special Summon “Treeborn Frog” during your Standby Phase, then it’s sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it’s Tributed for “Enemy Controller”), you can Special Summon “Treeborn Frog” again that same Standby Phase.


If you start your Standby Phase with “Messenger of Peace” face-up on the field, you can choose not to pay the maintenance cost so it is destroyed, then Special Summon “Treeborn Frog”.


If you have 2 or more “Treeborn Frogs” in your Graveyard, you can activate and resolve the effect of 1, but then you cannot activate and resolve the effect of the 2nd one because you now have a face-up “Treeborn Frog” on the field.


“Necrovalley” will not negate the effect of “Treeborn Frog”.


If an effect is chained to “Treeborn Frog” that puts a Spell or Trap Card on your side of field, then “Treeborn Frog’s” effect will not resolve. Example: The opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” and activates “Remove Brainwashing”.


If the effect of “Treeborn Frog” is negated, you can activate its effect again during the same Standby Phase and Special Summon it.


If “King Tiger Wanghu” is on the field when “Treeborn Frog” is Special Summoned, “Treeborn Frog” will be destroyed, but can be Special Summoned again with its effect during the same Standby Phase. Doing so without purpose is considered stalling and is a violation of Tournament Policy.

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