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A Doom Tutorial ~ Noobs and Newbies - What they are, and how to Treat Them

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Does this mean my first card failed? Or did I just get Great comments for nothing?

Ok it really doesn't matter if you're a n00b or a newb. You see I followed the rules, how? Well easy I have visited a lot of forums and I read their rules. Now this forum has the same rules. Now for spamming. It's not easy not to spam. People spam in every way but most of the people with long experience here don't. "Oh how did you make this booster pack?" and the thread was about a few cards. Now I know these people. They have never visited any forum before or they haven't read any of the forum rules. Some of them don't know what "Spam" even is. So they just go a long. But as you see there new people that don't spam. I will give you an example. This was my second or third thread. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=58457 Did I spam? No nothing. There are no spam here. Not every newb deserves to be given "Fail Motivations". Some newbs have read most of the rules. You just have to wait simply wait. And to be honest, no one will make a perfect card because he/she may perform better next time. And yes this may be right, newbs shouldn't be treated with less respect than other members.

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