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Megaman: Online ~YCM Inspired Characters~

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Once, In the year 200X, a massive virus has been spread over the Internet. 7 brave Net Navigators, or NetNavies have set out to stop this Virus. There is Swiftman, The Speedy--Mageman, The Tactical--Huntman, The Power--Osirisman, The Force--Rubyman,The Defense--

JesusOfChaos--The Chaotic, YCMan--The King. Can they stop the evil intentions of the Matrix Virus before they get...HACKED?


[spoiler=Chapter 1:They Meet]

Swiftman runs around Youtube_SiteArea1.com looking for something entertaining. He hears someone laughing. A man in black clothes with a wand is watching Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie on a Yu-Gi-Oh channel. "Hey, what's up?" Swiftman said to the Navi. The navi looked up and stared at Swiftman. "Greetings. My name is Mageman." He said. "I'm Swiftman....LOOK OUT!" Swiftman warned. There was a virus behind Mageman. "Quick! Cannon3!" Mageman called. His BattleChip loaded. He shot at the virus. "Speedriver!" Swiftman called. His battlechip loaded. He sped up, running in circles around the virus, then shocking it. The virus is deleted. "We should team up!" Swiftman said, offering his hand to Mageman. Mageman considered it, then shook on it. They logged out, moving to another site.


Meanwhile, Osirisman was reading the Forbidden/Limited List at yugioh-card.com_Area3.net. "Aww, crud. How could they forbid Heavy Storm and Limit M.S.T?" He complained. "It's only fair." A voice said in responce. Osirisman turned, and saw a Navi with an odd purple armor and tail. His helmet resembled the Poke'mon, Mewtwo. He held a shotgun in his hand. "I am Huntman." The Navi said. "Osirisman." He replied. They nodded at eachother. "Virus." Huntman said. Osirisman turned and saw a small virus. Huntman shot at it, not even needing a Battle Chip. I should become allies with this guy....Before he deletes me. Osirisman thought.


To Be Continued....



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