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The Incredible Gladiators 4

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Ok. I used my most recent GB deck in a Hobby League tourney. Unfortunately, I came in 23 (i don't remember how many players were in but I was in the middle 2W-3L). They kept using "Royal Oppression" to stop my Gladiators, so I had to really change up the GB deck.



GB Heraklinos

GB Gyzarus x3



2 |GLAS| GB Laquari

3 |GLAS| GB Bestiari

2 |GLAS| GB Murmillo

2 |PTDN| GB Darius

2 |GLAS| GB Dimacari

3 |DPCT| EH Prisma

1 |CP06| EH Stratos

1 |SYE| Sangan

3 |GLAS| Test Tiger



3 |PTDN| Gladiator Proving Ground

1 |DP03| E-Emergency Call

3 |PSV| Cold Wave

1 |SKE| Monster Reborn

1 |SKE| Premature Burial

1 |YSDS| Heavy Storm




3 |MRD, MRD, DB2| Solemn Judgment

3 |SYE, SDY, SDJ| Waboku

3 |YSD, YSDJ, DB1| Dust Tornado

1 |DB2| Mirror Force

1 |RDS| Xing Zhen Hu

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you don't see the big picture do you?


1) With Collesseum, my Glads gain 100 ATK and DEF for each counter on it. Since there's A LOT of Deck Spec. Summoning involved, thus there is no need for Waboku, but I sided it just in case. In other words, MAJOR POWNAGE. (Ex: If there were 5 counters. Laquari is SS by a GB, gets: ATK/2600 DEF/900)


2) I need more Traps that can destroy all those annoying cards like Skill Drain, Royal Oppression and anything that will stop my Gladiators.


3) The more powerful my Gladiators get, the more damage I'll do and the the quicker I'll win.


4) Gyzarus is the ultimate tool for getting a lot of counters on Colesseum. After battle, he brings out 2 Gladiators from the deck, that's 2 more counters. So all my GB get 200 more ATK & DEF! Same thing with Test Tiger.

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1) Where is book of moon it is staple gladiator card

2) In side, Where is neo spacien dark panther for mirror matchups

3) Take out Octavius for Securtor

4) Run 2 Wabokus no question or argument

5) Do not run Cage of Gladiator beasts, atk does not matter with glad beasts your main aim is to summon gyzarus


Take this advice or your glad beasts will fail.

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