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[align=center]Preliminary Challenge




Create one card' date=' the two with the highest scores will be Team Leader.




[1] Make it your best card ever.


End Date:


Saturday July 13, 2008

Results and New Task given: Sunday July 14, 2008




OCG: 25%

Grammar: 15%

Pic: 20%

Name: 5%

Balance: 20%

Unique of Effect: 15%


Difficulty: Normal




[1] First Place: 1st Team Leader, chooses first team mate.

*+1 REP

[2] Second Place: 2nd Team Leader, Chooses last Team Mate.

*+1 REP


[spoiler=Zeroshot's Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

You recieve full points because i found no error,

good job!


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

With the great OCG comes Great Grammar.


Pic: 1.8/2

The image is good, but I find the background, not

to great.


Name: .4/.5

I'm not too much a fan for your name, but does suit

the card greatly.


Balance: 1.8/2

I find it pretty balanced, though see no opportunity

for you to tribute the card to inflict except itself.

Pretty balanced otherwise that fact.


Unique Effect: .8/1

I find this very unique. I've always had something

special for the Tokens.


P/I: .3/.5

The token thing kind of makes it look like a

regeneration thing, interesting.


Overall Score: 9.1/10

91% for Zeroshot


Let's see if anyone can beat this...



[spoiler=Frlf's Results]

OCG: 2.2/2.5

Your OCG is almost perfect, but I noticed some

errors, "monster card's attribute should be



Grammar: 1.3/1.5

I noticed 2 problems there, you said place in,

when it should read place on. and you should

have added "place it on 'one' of your unnoccupied

Spell and Trap Card Zones.


Pic: 1.9/2

I like the holo effect, good work.


Name: .3/.5

I would have went with something like flame dragon,

fire makes it sound, Meh!


Balanced: 2/2

I don't see why wouldnt be balanced, as it

doesn't show a certain pro or con advantage

over one another.


Unique of effect: .9/1

I find this very unique, I like effects that

change the game a lot.


P/I: .3/.5

with the exception of the pic, the effect is great

keep making these good cards, plus the nice long

complicated effect is a bonus.


Overall: 8.9


You didn't quite make it past zeroshot,

but still have a small chance to be a Team Leader.



[spoiler=Hunter's Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

OCG was perfect to my knowledge, good job.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

The grammar also seemed to be as great.


Pic: 2/2

The pic is incredable. It perfectly suits

the card.


Name: .5/.5

I also believe the name is perfect.


Balance: 1.9/2

My only problem is that while on the

field, you can't advance summon, which

means your opponent could be left



Unique of Effect: .6/1

Not the most unique, Ground Collapse

effect mixed in with a Forest effect.


P/I: .5/.5

I absolutely love your card. The image,

and effect really suit eachother. Somewhat

a complicated effect which my tastes are.


Overall Score: 9.5/10


95% for Hunter


I believe you will be a Team Leader, but

remember your not the only talent ;)



[spoiler=Bloodrun's Results]

OCG: 2.4/2.5

I found one Summoned that was left alone

and cap'd, which i think is'nt correct.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

I found you to have perfect grammar.


Pic: 2/2

for the name and the effect, they suit



Name: .5/.5

I could see the name's relation to the

image and effect. Plain and simple.


Balance: 2/2

I find this card very balanced.


Unique of Effect: .8/1

Pretty uniwue, but still I find it,

somewhat plain, not by much, but still.


P/I: .4/.5

I really enjoy the fact you entered

a Trap Card, as most just enter Monsters.


Overall Score: 9.6

96% for Bloodrun


Congratulations, so far, you have the

highest score.



[spoiler=Ryan's Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

I found no errors in OCG, so good job.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Also looked perfect to me.


Pic: 1.9/2

The image is amazing, it suits the card



Name: .3/.5

I don't feel the name suits the image

at all. The image looks male, not

female, which you have named it



Balance: 1.7/2

The balance is ok, but has the potential

to have 3000 points, maybe 1 more star.


Unique Effect: .8/1

Not the most original, but still ok.


P/I: .4/.5

I like it a lot, but the errors makes it

less of a good card.


Overall Score: 9.1/10

91% for Ultimate_Ryan


Not quite enough but still a good score.




OCG: 2.2/2.5

The very first line I think was worded wrong.

The very first sentence isn't needed.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

The grammar is really good here.


Pic: 1.6/2

I think a name like master of the youth,

should have but one, yet their are several

people in the pic.


Name: .3/.5

Again, I think should be "Masters of the Youth".


Balance: 1.5/2

Kind of Overpowered, Make it level 7.

loss of 300 DEF doesnt make up for a gain

of 300.


Unique of Effect: .6/1

Not that unique, just another E-Hero support.


P/I: .3/.5

Its good, but doesnt meet my standards much.


Overall Score: 8/10

Swift got a 80%



[spoiler=Jspamax's Results]

OCG: 2.4/2.5

I saw little to no errors.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Great grammar J.


Pic: 2/2

The image is great, really suits the effect

and name.


Name: .4/.5

I remember you asking me about this name. It sure

does work with the image.


Balance: 1.8/2

I thought the effect when it gains 1000 ATK

might have been a little overpowered, but still



Unique of Effect: .9/1

I found the effect to be very creative, how you

put in a changing of attribute, each with its

own effect, great job.


P/I: .5/.5

I think this is one of the best cards entered.

Great job.


Overall Score: 9.5/10

A 95% and tied with Hunter.



[spoiler=Icyblue's Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

I saw no wrong in your OCG, perfect.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Along with the OCG, your grammar is excellent.


Pic: 1.6/2

Kind of random for a monster with that kind of

effect. I've almost used that pic before.


Name: .3/.5

the name really suits the attribute of the card.

although, i dont see it really for the effect.


Balance: 1.9/2

I find it pretty balanced, effect only activates

when special summon, though maybe a tad bit



Unique of Effect: .8/1

I find a direct Field spell effect the way you

made it very unique, good job.


P/I: .4/.5

Besides the pic, i liked your entry a lot.


Overall Score: 9/10

90% for Icyblue



[spoiler=God Pikachu's Results]

OCG: 2.2/2.5

tributing is removing monsters from the field,

say discarding for remoing cards from the hand.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Perfect grammar i suppose.


Pic: 1.6/2

I see text in the image, makes it less of a

realistic card.


Name: .4/.5

I like it, but still, maybe could have been

thought out more.


Balance: 1.7/2

seems a little overpowered, remove that "from

hand" tribute, and your alright.


Unique effect: .8/1

Not that unique, more detail for a more unique



P/I: .3/.5

I didnt like it much. Basic water monster to me.


Overall Score: 8.5/10

85% for God Pikachu



[spoiler=Wombat's results]


OCG: 2.5/2.5

seems pretty good, i saw no error.


Grammar: 1.3/1.5

I saw one mistake, you put equal to the half of

the ATK, when it should be Half the ATK.


Pic: 1.8/.2

I like the image, and the holo effect, but

maybe easy on the opac.


Name: .4/.5

Its good, but kind of long. I don't think

your suppose to cap "The" unless at the beggining

of a sentence.


Balance: 1.8/2

Seems very balanced, good job.


Unique of Effect: .8/1

I find it a little less unique than what i look

for, but still good.


P/I: .5/.5

I have always liked Warriors, and this would

become very usefull in a one of my decks, great



Overall Score: 9.1/10

91% for Wombat



[spoiler==aTaLiG=' Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

perfect, from what i see.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Same as OCG.


Pic: 1.8/2

Kind of bland, and maybe overused.


Name: .4/.5

I found the name really creative, but sky dragon

reminds me of slifer.


Balance: 1.6/2

Somewhat overpowered, you got a deck destruction

and a Recycle effect, limit each a little.


Unique effect: .7/1

Not that unique, like I said, recycle + Deck

destruction effect, simple.


P/I: .3/.5

Wasn't that much of my interest, don't like the

pic much.


Overall Score: 8.8/10

88% for =aTaLiG=



[spoiler=Poke's Results]

OCG: 2.4/2.5

I saw a few cap errors, no big deal.


Grammar: 1.4/1.5

I saw a bit of errors here too.


Pic: 1.7/2

Overused, but still meets the card.


Name: .4/.5

its good, but there are spaces before and after

a "-".


Balance: 1.8/2

A bit OP, but still, its ok.


Unique of Effect: .8/1

its somewhat unique, though not that "out there"


P/I: .3/.5

It didn't really satisfy me, but good job.


Overall Score: 8.8/10

88% for Poke



[spoiler=Lord Whitey's Results]

OCG: 2/2.5

It's tributing 2 monsters on the field, not

discarding. Cap Batte Phase. Cap Graveyard.


Grammar: 1.1/1.5

its Equipt, i saw many errors of that.


Pic: 1.9/2

The image is ok, but kind of uninteresting.


Name: .2/.5

Very unoriginal.


Balance: 1.8/2

it seems ok, but i still feel there is some

wrong there.


Unique Effect: .9/1

I dont find it to unique, but still ok.


P/I: .3/.5

It wasn't my favorite but I still give you

points for trying.


Overall Score: 8.2/10

82% for Lord Whitey



[spoiler=~Spirit of Touma~]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

Perfect to my knowledge.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

I also found the grammar to be great.


Pic: 1.6/2

I see some light border on the left side, and

some light on the right corner, which doesnt

match it well.


Name: .3/.5

Well, from what I see, she looks good rather

than deceitful.


Balance: 1.9/2

I find it very balanced, a deal of 1500, in exchange

for a 1800 ATK monster, good.


Unique of Effect: .8/1

Pretty unique, but still could be better made.


P/I: .4/.5

I actually liked this card for the effect.


Overall Score: 9/10

90% for Spirit of Touma



[spoiler=Seth's Results]

OCG: 2.2/2.5

well, its Monster, Spell, and Trap always.

Don't ever cap every letter.


Grammar: 1.4/1.5

its successfully.


Pic: 1.9/2

The image really suits the name and effect.


Name: .5/.5

Good, it really fits the pic.


Balance: 1.7/2

The trap effect really makes it Overpowered.


Unique Effect: .9/1

Really unique, though can be more perfected.


P/I: .5/.5

I reaaly like the image, and name.


Overall Score: 9.1/10

91% for Seth



[spoiler=Enigma Zero]

OCG: 2.5/2.5



Grammar: 1.5/1.5

Also Perfect.


Pic: 1.9/2

I like the scanlines alot, great image.


Name: .5/.5

The name is really good, I like it, Gaudieum.


Balance: 1.9/2

I find the effect to be almost perfect in Balance.


Unique of Effect: .9/1

I find the effect very unique, the Counters was

a perfect addition, and the adjacent effect.


P/I: .5/.5

Your card was my favorite. You combined my

interest of counters with my interest of

Gemini cards.


Overall Score: 9.7

97% for Enigma Zero


Wow, I can tell already you will be a Leader.



[spoiler=Doom Wraith's Results]

OCG: 2.5/2.5

It was hard to tell, but looked good.


Grammar: 1.5/1.5

I also saw no errors here.


Pic: 1.9/2

The image really seems to suit the name and



Name: .3/.5

Kind of long, but still suits the image.


Balance: 1.8/2

I would think maybe Overpowered, it has many

diferent effects easily accessable.


Unique of Effect: .9/1

Very unique to my tastes.


P/I: .3/.5

The effect I find too long, but I still admire

any warrior.


Overall Score: 9.2/10

92% for Doom Wraith





Team Leaders


[1] [Enigma Zero]

[2] [bloodrun]


A PM will be sent about choosing Team Members.


I will post the Next Round When the Teams are Chosen.

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