Huntar! Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 Ok.. Whitey and Pika, you are kinda really spamming. :? Yes, Rubys a guy, barely though. ;) Which is not a problem for my midnight, is ruby's 9 PM. >_> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
End Of The Abyss Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 I'm up long. JAPAN ROX! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Huntar! Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 that was spam.. like.. major spam... >.> Stop Spamming his contest. >_> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
End Of The Abyss Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 Sorry Ruby. No more spamming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whitey Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 Sorry for the spam.....I shall not spam anymore... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zeroshot Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 I apologize for this but saying that you will no longer spam is spam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ P O L A R I S ~ Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 Quote I apologize for this but saying that you will no longer spam is spam.Quoted post is also spam. Anyway, have the project managers confirmed? If so, who are they? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zeroshot Posted July 12, 2008 Report Share Posted July 12, 2008 which is why I apologized. The leaders are not confermed yet but right now they appear to be Hunter and Bloodrun. Ruby has to grade the rest of the cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu Posted July 13, 2008 Report Share Posted July 13, 2008 yes, it said so on first page (at least that's what he thinks)well, wish everyone luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whitey Posted July 13, 2008 Report Share Posted July 13, 2008 Well, it's already Sunday, and Ruby hasn't graded all the cards yet. When will he get it done? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu Posted July 14, 2008 Report Share Posted July 14, 2008 it's called 'he's offline' lolanyways, lets hope this would be fun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Max Posted July 14, 2008 Report Share Posted July 14, 2008 Can you guys and girls please calm down? Ruby will do it in his own time. Momentai :) Besides He is probally working on the 3 cards to try and take me down in our 1 on 1. Som Momentai everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
End Of The Abyss Posted July 14, 2008 Report Share Posted July 14, 2008 MOMENTAI! I can't wait to see the leaders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zeroshot Posted July 14, 2008 Report Share Posted July 14, 2008 ruby says he's been on family vacation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 but i hear he's back, he's just posted in ycm apprentice a while agobut meh, i'll wait Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neiko Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 Youd do remember that he's a he right? ^ And "Momentai" is gonna be copyrighted by J-Max Soon... Can't wait for this to really start Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whitey Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 I think he posted 2 more results. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 *looks* oh yea, he's a he lol (im so confused....)anyways, what 2 more results? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neiko Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 Card results.He looks over your first card then posts its results (Rating) in the 3rd post i believe? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ruby Posted July 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 Quote [align=center]Preliminary Challenge Challenge: Create one card' date=' the two with the highest scores will be Team Leader. [b']Rules:[/b] [1] Make it your best card ever. End Date: Saturday July 13, 2008Results and New Task given: Sunday July 14, 2008 Rubric: OCG: 25%Grammar: 15%Pic: 20%Name: 5%Balance: 20%Unique of Effect: 15% Difficulty: Normal Prizes: [1] First Place: 1st Team Leader, chooses first team mate.*+1 REP[2] Second Place: 2nd Team Leader, Chooses last Team Mate.*+1 REP [spoiler=Zeroshot's Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5You recieve full points because i found no error, good job! Grammar: 1.5/1.5With the great OCG comes Great Grammar. Pic: 1.8/2The image is good, but I find the background, notto great. Name: .4/.5I'm not too much a fan for your name, but does suitthe card greatly. Balance: 1.8/2I find it pretty balanced, though see no opportunityfor you to tribute the card to inflict except itself.Pretty balanced otherwise that fact. Unique Effect: .8/1I find this very unique. I've always had somethingspecial for the Tokens. P/I: .3/.5The token thing kind of makes it look like a regeneration thing, interesting. Overall Score: 9.1/1091% for Zeroshot Let's see if anyone can beat this... [spoiler=Frlf's Results]OCG: 2.2/2.5Your OCG is almost perfect, but I noticed someerrors, "monster card's attribute should becap'd. Grammar: 1.3/1.5I noticed 2 problems there, you said place in,when it should read place on. and you shouldhave added "place it on 'one' of your unnoccupiedSpell and Trap Card Zones. Pic: 1.9/2I like the holo effect, good work. Name: .3/.5I would have went with something like flame dragon,fire makes it sound, Meh! Balanced: 2/2I don't see why wouldnt be balanced, as it doesn't show a certain pro or con advantageover one another. Unique of effect: .9/1I find this very unique, I like effects thatchange the game a lot. P/I: .3/.5with the exception of the pic, the effect is greatkeep making these good cards, plus the nice longcomplicated effect is a bonus. Overall: 8.9 You didn't quite make it past zeroshot,but still have a small chance to be a Team Leader. [spoiler=Hunter's Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5OCG was perfect to my knowledge, good job. Grammar: 1.5/1.5The grammar also seemed to be as great. Pic: 2/2The pic is incredable. It perfectly suitsthe card. Name: .5/.5I also believe the name is perfect. Balance: 1.9/2My only problem is that while on thefield, you can't advance summon, whichmeans your opponent could be left defensless. Unique of Effect: .6/1Not the most unique, Ground Collapseeffect mixed in with a Forest effect. P/I: .5/.5I absolutely love your card. The image,and effect really suit eachother. Somewhata complicated effect which my tastes are. Overall Score: 9.5/10 95% for Hunter I believe you will be a Team Leader, butremember your not the only talent ;) [spoiler=Bloodrun's Results]OCG: 2.4/2.5I found one Summoned that was left aloneand cap'd, which i think is'nt correct. Grammar: 1.5/1.5I found you to have perfect grammar. Pic: 2/2for the name and the effect, they suiteachother. Name: .5/.5I could see the name's relation to theimage and effect. Plain and simple. Balance: 2/2I find this card very balanced. Unique of Effect: .8/1Pretty uniwue, but still I find it,somewhat plain, not by much, but still. P/I: .4/.5I really enjoy the fact you entereda Trap Card, as most just enter Monsters. Overall Score: 9.696% for Bloodrun Congratulations, so far, you have the highest score. [spoiler=Ryan's Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5I found no errors in OCG, so good job. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Also looked perfect to me. Pic: 1.9/2The image is amazing, it suits the cardwell. Name: .3/.5I don't feel the name suits the imageat all. The image looks male, not female, which you have named it "Sorceress". Balance: 1.7/2The balance is ok, but has the potentialto have 3000 points, maybe 1 more star. Unique Effect: .8/1Not the most original, but still ok. P/I: .4/.5I like it a lot, but the errors makes itless of a good card. Overall Score: 9.1/1091% for Ultimate_Ryan Not quite enough but still a good score. [spoiler=SwiftObliterator]OCG: 2.2/2.5The very first line I think was worded wrong.The very first sentence isn't needed. Grammar: 1.5/1.5The grammar is really good here. Pic: 1.6/2I think a name like master of the youth,should have but one, yet their are severalpeople in the pic. Name: .3/.5Again, I think should be "Masters of the Youth". Balance: 1.5/2Kind of Overpowered, Make it level 7.loss of 300 DEF doesnt make up for a gainof 300. Unique of Effect: .6/1Not that unique, just another E-Hero support. P/I: .3/.5Its good, but doesnt meet my standards much. Overall Score: 8/10Swift got a 80% [spoiler=Jspamax's Results]OCG: 2.4/2.5I saw little to no errors. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Great grammar J. Pic: 2/2The image is great, really suits the effectand name. Name: .4/.5I remember you asking me about this name. It suredoes work with the image. Balance: 1.8/2I thought the effect when it gains 1000 ATKmight have been a little overpowered, but stillgreat. Unique of Effect: .9/1I found the effect to be very creative, how you put in a changing of attribute, each with itsown effect, great job. P/I: .5/.5I think this is one of the best cards entered.Great job. Overall Score: 9.5/10A 95% and tied with Hunter. [spoiler=Icyblue's Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5I saw no wrong in your OCG, perfect. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Along with the OCG, your grammar is excellent. Pic: 1.6/2Kind of random for a monster with that kind ofeffect. I've almost used that pic before. Name: .3/.5the name really suits the attribute of the card.although, i dont see it really for the effect. Balance: 1.9/2I find it pretty balanced, effect only activateswhen special summon, though maybe a tad bitUP. Unique of Effect: .8/1I find a direct Field spell effect the way you made it very unique, good job. P/I: .4/.5Besides the pic, i liked your entry a lot. Overall Score: 9/1090% for Icyblue [spoiler=God Pikachu's Results]OCG: 2.2/2.5tributing is removing monsters from the field,say discarding for remoing cards from the hand. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Perfect grammar i suppose. Pic: 1.6/2I see text in the image, makes it less of arealistic card. Name: .4/.5I like it, but still, maybe could have beenthought out more. Balance: 1.7/2seems a little overpowered, remove that "fromhand" tribute, and your alright. Unique effect: .8/1Not that unique, more detail for a more unique effect. P/I: .3/.5I didnt like it much. Basic water monster to me. Overall Score: 8.5/1085% for God Pikachu [spoiler=Wombat's results] OCG: 2.5/2.5seems pretty good, i saw no error. Grammar: 1.3/1.5I saw one mistake, you put equal to the half ofthe ATK, when it should be Half the ATK. Pic: 1.8/.2I like the image, and the holo effect, butmaybe easy on the opac. Name: .4/.5Its good, but kind of long. I don't thinkyour suppose to cap "The" unless at the begginingof a sentence. Balance: 1.8/2Seems very balanced, good job. Unique of Effect: .8/1I find it a little less unique than what i lookfor, but still good. P/I: .5/.5I have always liked Warriors, and this wouldbecome very usefull in a one of my decks, greatjob. Overall Score: 9.1/1091% for Wombat [spoiler==aTaLiG=' Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5perfect, from what i see. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Same as OCG. Pic: 1.8/2Kind of bland, and maybe overused. Name: .4/.5I found the name really creative, but sky dragonreminds me of slifer. Balance: 1.6/2Somewhat overpowered, you got a deck destructionand a Recycle effect, limit each a little. Unique effect: .7/1Not that unique, like I said, recycle + Deckdestruction effect, simple. P/I: .3/.5Wasn't that much of my interest, don't like the pic much. Overall Score: 8.8/1088% for =aTaLiG= [spoiler=Poke's Results]OCG: 2.4/2.5I saw a few cap errors, no big deal. Grammar: 1.4/1.5I saw a bit of errors here too. Pic: 1.7/2Overused, but still meets the card. Name: .4/.5its good, but there are spaces before and aftera "-". Balance: 1.8/2A bit OP, but still, its ok. Unique of Effect: .8/1its somewhat unique, though not that "out there" P/I: .3/.5It didn't really satisfy me, but good job. Overall Score: 8.8/1088% for Poke [spoiler=Lord Whitey's Results]OCG: 2/2.5It's tributing 2 monsters on the field, notdiscarding. Cap Batte Phase. Cap Graveyard. Grammar: 1.1/1.5its Equipt, i saw many errors of that. Pic: 1.9/2The image is ok, but kind of uninteresting. Name: .2/.5Very unoriginal. Balance: 1.8/2it seems ok, but i still feel there is some wrong there. Unique Effect: .9/1I dont find it to unique, but still ok. P/I: .3/.5It wasn't my favorite but I still give youpoints for trying. Overall Score: 8.2/1082% for Lord Whitey [spoiler=~Spirit of Touma~]OCG: 2.5/2.5Perfect to my knowledge. Grammar: 1.5/1.5I also found the grammar to be great. Pic: 1.6/2I see some light border on the left side, and some light on the right corner, which doesnt match it well. Name: .3/.5Well, from what I see, she looks good ratherthan deceitful. Balance: 1.9/2I find it very balanced, a deal of 1500, in exchangefor a 1800 ATK monster, good. Unique of Effect: .8/1Pretty unique, but still could be better made. P/I: .4/.5I actually liked this card for the effect. Overall Score: 9/1090% for Spirit of Touma [spoiler=Seth's Results]OCG: 2.2/2.5well, its Monster, Spell, and Trap always.Don't ever cap every letter. Grammar: 1.4/1.5its successfully. Pic: 1.9/2The image really suits the name and effect. Name: .5/.5Good, it really fits the pic. Balance: 1.7/2The trap effect really makes it Overpowered. Unique Effect: .9/1Really unique, though can be more perfected. P/I: .5/.5I reaaly like the image, and name. Overall Score: 9.1/1091% for Seth [spoiler=Enigma Zero]OCG: 2.5/2.5Perfect. Grammar: 1.5/1.5Also Perfect. Pic: 1.9/2I like the scanlines alot, great image. Name: .5/.5The name is really good, I like it, Gaudieum. Balance: 1.9/2I find the effect to be almost perfect in Balance. Unique of Effect: .9/1I find the effect very unique, the Counters wasa perfect addition, and the adjacent effect. P/I: .5/.5Your card was my favorite. You combined myinterest of counters with my interest ofGemini cards. Overall Score: 9.797% for Enigma Zero Wow, I can tell already you will be a Leader. [spoiler=Doom Wraith's Results]OCG: 2.5/2.5It was hard to tell, but looked good. Grammar: 1.5/1.5I also saw no errors here. Pic: 1.9/2The image really seems to suit the name andeffect. Name: .3/.5Kind of long, but still suits the image. Balance: 1.8/2I would think maybe Overpowered, it has manydiferent effects easily accessable. Unique of Effect: .9/1Very unique to my tastes. P/I: .3/.5The effect I find too long, but I still admireany warrior. Overall Score: 9.2/1092% for Doom Wraith [/align] Team Leaders [1] [Enigma Zero][2] [bloodrun] A PM will be sent about choosing Team Members. I will post the Next Round When the Teams are Chosen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neiko Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 88% dang i knew i should've used another one... I'm in the top 3 lowest scores :'( Oh well^^ try harder tommorow, No? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 *looks at results* D'OH! 85%?oh well, at least i'm still in (well, everyone's in) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neiko Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 I wonder if they're gonna make even teams...and pikachu i hope i go against you! since we had such a close score! i think it would be fun^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Max Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 95% Eh? Lovely :) Can't wait to get started Proper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Judαs Posted July 15, 2008 Report Share Posted July 15, 2008 OMG 90%! Wow, not bad, actually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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