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Oh...dear...god, another Zombie World Deck? -_-


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Deck: 40


Monsters: 13


3| Zombie Master

3| Mezuki

3| Armageddon Knight

3| Summon Priest

1| Destiny Hero - Disk Commander


Spells: 22


3| Zombie World

3| Card of Safe Return

3| Book of Life

3| Arms Hole

2| Foolish Burial

2| Allure of Darkness

2| Magical Stone Excavation

1| Mass Driver

1| Heavy Storm

1| Premature Burial

1| Monster Reborn


Traps: 5


3| Solemn Judgment

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

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You can probably take out Vortex for it' date=' and... Wait...


Crap, I was thinking that you might use pizzaman's OTK, but then you'd need Goblin Zombie for that. If you were to use it, you'd have to reorganize the deck. :/


Know what? Ohm wastes summonings, MASS DRIVER FTW!!! XD

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