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For Real. Are you a good player?

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Dam i missed my chance' date=' i was going to say that this couldnt determine good or bad players because all the questions were based on personal opinion, to determine good players they must be based on fact



This pretty much sums my thoughts on this topic.

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uhhh because we foget to read the above posts (now i feel like a spammer)


Yes I can. :D


I warn you, once you learn to stack, you will do it subconsciously in matches where you mean not to. (and by that, I mean I draw DMoC and Allure without trying to stack.


Alright, the first thing you need to do is, well its like poker, pick a card in your deck, and shuffle it so you can bring it to the top at any point in shuffling. Basically, memorize where a card is when you start shuffling, keep track of it, and try and get it to the top when you conclude shuffling. I recommend trying to shuffle it from bottom to top, then from top to bottom, back to top to practice it at first, and then work on complex stuff.


Practice is key, and always remember that you can't check half way through a shuffle, or it will be obvious that you are trying to stack.


If you need to ask moar, post here or PM me. Pming might be faster.


But try it out first and see if you can get the hang of it. You could even, once better at it, try stacking Gin Rummy and Poker/Hold Em' hands if you wanted, its more challenging and definently helps learn the art.


I might write a "How To" on stacking, similar to this guide I wrote earlier:




Only this guide was on ripping. Sorry for misleading you Orochi :(

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Surely stacking can be stopped by a simple cut


Not necesarily. You can do things to your deck to make an opponent who is paying little attention or care to your deck cut exactly where you want them to.


Also, a general set up of seperating cards so that you are likely to get a good hand no matter one can be initiated, though this is actually illegal in Yu-Gi-Oh. (but most people do not know that)

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Guest PikaPerson01

Pretty much the only way to stack if your opponent shuffles is to note how your opponent is shuffling (Ie, he cuts and brings the middle to the top) and try to move your cards to the middle of your deck, rather then the top.

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