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For Real. Are you a good player?

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Seeing as our good buddy Star (Itachi Remix, can't you stick with one name buddy) doesn't know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh, I will give you all a 5 question quick quiz to see whether or not you are a complete idiot.


Question One:


Which card is the most Splashable?


Dark Armed Dragon


Heavy Storm

Morphing Jar

Mirror Force


Question Two:


Which deck is the most solid build?





2x cyber dragons

1x airknight

1x marshmallon

1x reflect bounder

3x freed the brave wanderer

3x disciple of the forbidden spell

3x the light-hex sealed fusion

3x shinging angles

1x dd warrior lady

2x proto cyber dragon

1x ninja grandmaster sasuke



1x fissure

1x power bond

2x reinforcement of the army

2x shrinks

1 lightinig vortex

1x smashing ground

2x hammer shots

1x nobleman of crossout

1x monster reborn

1x scapegoat

1x brain control

1x mystical space typhoon

1x heavy storm



1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

1x magic cylinder



3x cyber twin

2x cyber end





Monsters: (19)

3 Rainbow Dark Dragon

3 D-Hero Plasma

3 D-Hero Dogma

3 Dark Creator

3 Phantom of Chaos

3 Demise, King of Armageddon

1 Dark Magician of Chaos


Spells: (21)

3 Trade-in

3 Destiny Draw

3 Reasoning

3 Monster Gate

3 Recurring Nightmare

3 Hand Severing

1 Card Destruction

1 Scapegoat

1 Heavy Storm




3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 Kuraz the Light Monarch

1 Raiza the Storm Monarch

2 Mystic Tomato

3 Gravekeeper's Spy

2 Cyber Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Card Trooper

1 DD Crow

1 DD Warrior Lady

2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Morphing Jar

1 Spirit Reaper


1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 Soul Exchange

1 Pot of Avarice

2 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Premature Burial

1 Heavy Storm



2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot




3 Judgment Dragon

3 Lyla lightsworn sorceress

3 Wulf

3 Lumina

3 Ehren lightsworn Monk

2 Celestia

2 Aurkus lightsworn druid

2 Guardian of order

1 Jain

1 Ryko


3 Solar Recharge

3 Monster Reincarnation

2 E - controllers

1 RotA

1 Prem

1 MR

1 Heavy



1 Torrential

1 Mirror Force

2 Divine Wrath




Question Three:


Which of the following cards, if limited, would cause the most change to the Meta from its current standpoint?


Time Seal

Destiny Draw

Pot of Greed

Magical Scientist


Card Trooper

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Dark Armed Dragon

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai


Question Four:


Which of the Following decks are not Top Tier? Select Four.

Assume the use of English TCG legal cards are the only cards that may be used in the construction of these decks.


Gladiator Beast

Dark Armed Dragon



Six Samurai


Counter Fairy


Monarchs/Perfect Circle/Twilight Circle


Which of the following players is the most knowledgeable on the subject of Yu-Gi-Oh?


Crab Helmet

Itachi (Remix)




Shea Mercer


Clue, its definently not Shea.


Oh, and for numbers 2 and 3, explain why.

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1) I'd have to say Mirror Force (If it's shapesnatch, I shall give up gaming for one day )


2) hmm... I'd have to say that it's the lightsworn/judgement dragon deck... The other decks don't seem to horribly balanced out... It might be the first one though...


3) Magical scientist? If it were limited, we'd probably see a bunch of OTK decks revolving around it or something...


4) I'm gonna guess zombie, "dark", counter fairy, DDT/explosion.


5) Crab Helmet


Edit: urk... I was supposed to pick 4... my bad....

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1: I'm assuming Splash means use in many kninds of decks. In that case, Mirror Force

2: Deck #3.

Deck #1: Not an answer.

Deck #2: Good RDD deck, but where's Ereaser? Recurring Nightmare?

Deck #4: Foolish? I don't see Foolish. Also, who runs 3 Monk?

3: Magical Scientist. Get a monster, book it, and there you go. Also a bonus with Prisma running around.

4: Counter Fairy, DDT/Explosion, Monarchs/Perfect Circle/Twilight Circle, "Dark"

5: Opinion question. But if I had to choose, I'd say Crab.

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1) Morphing Jar

2) Monarch one (i would like to see Prime material Dragon though)

#1: Has no chimeratech and no win condition

#2: I see no hand destruction or stratos

#4: lol Druid, lol no beckoning light


3) Tsukuyomi, i can see flip abuse with morphing jar

4) Dark, SS, Zombie, DDT/ Explosion

5) Personally preference, none of them

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Something tells me that I was wrong on every question -_- *sighs* thats what I get for lacking tourny experience (and for not looking at the decks closer... I would have realized that one of them was a monarch deck and that the one that I picked was missing some key cards/had some not so good cards... oh well... )

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1) i went with the current top tier decks and i would have to say heavy storm

2)as much as i love tht rainbow dragon deck its waay too volitire the monarch is best

3) definatly magical sceientist

4)dark, zombie, counter fairy, monarchs

5) and obvii crab helmet (bums crabhelmet)

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ok, let's play this game...


1.- heavy storm... DAD needs at least 5 dark monsters, shapesnatch is a joke, morphing doesn't fit on LS, GB and CB and mirror doesn't fit on stall, exodia and deckots...


2.- light/fusion deck, the LS has little recursion without beckoning light and monarchs are saturated on monsters, even with all recursion it has too many cards and low counterability...


3.- i'm between tsukuyomi and magical scientist... scientist will encourage dark scientist OTK using shadowpriestess of ohm, tsukuyomi will encourage the use of flips (no matter which ones) and it can kill almost any high level monster...


4.- dark, counter fairy, ddt/explosion and monarchs/perfect circle/twilight circle


5.- capcious question... they knows the same as me...



but i don't wanna know if i'm good or not, thanks for making me use my brain...

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but it is necessary in every deck. DDT runs storm but not mirror force' date=' and crystal beast is the opposite. What makes force more of a staple?



Does Exodia run Heavy? No.

Does Burn Run Heavy? No.


Case closed.


Also, what are the answers?

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Guest PikaPerson01

Because the topic creator is REALLY the guy to make the call on who's good at the game or not, and a stupid little questionnaire based mostly on opinions is a finely tuned litmus test on deciding whether you're a good player or not. >_>

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but it is necessary in every deck. DDT runs storm but not mirror force' date=' and crystal beast is the opposite. What makes force more of a staple?



You just contradicted yourself


You said that it was necessary in every deck, then said that Crystal Beasts run the opposite of DDT which runs heavy storm but not mirror force, so that means that Crystal beasts does not run heavy and instead runs Mirror force...


That is, if I understood your post correctly...

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Because the topic creator is REALLY the guy to make the call on who's good at the game or not' date=' and a stupid little questionnaire based mostly on opinions is a finely tuned litmus test on deciding whether you're a good player or not. >_>



I'm aware that it really means nothing, but the point is really more to poke fun at Star than anything, because he was completely wrong with his second one. I'm not going to have an argument with you concerning my skill at yugioh, I am an admitted stacker who cares less to play the game than to make money off of it.


Zelda... Quiet you... :P


Ok, here are my answers.


1. Every deck I have built has used Heavy Storm, so i went with that.


2. The Monarch one, because the first one is bad (sorry to whomever made it), the RDD is beautiful, but is risky, the Monarch one isn't imbalanced, and the Judgment Dragon one is my build, and it either wins, or it completely fails.


3. Scientist. It only takes 1 other card to launch a scientist FTK. All other FTKs/OTKs in the game require at least 3 cards whilst scientist takes two.


4. As of now



Counter Fairies




PErfect circle sees less play, but is still good because crush card still exists, and Dark decks aren't... lol, they aren't top either.






That one was for fun. I just wanted to make fun of Shea tbqh. Hes this kid that tried to make a neos deck and claimed that contact was like a destiny draw.


ANd umm... oK :)

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Okay, here goes,


1) Mirror Force




Monsters: (19)

3 Rainbow Dark Dragon

3 D-Hero Plasma

3 D-Hero Dogma

3 Dark Creator

3 Phantom of Chaos

3 Demise, King of Armageddon

1 Dark Magician of Chaos


Spells: (21)

3 Trade-in

3 Destiny Draw

3 Reasoning

3 Monster Gate

3 Recurring Nightmare

3 Hand Severing

1 Card Destruction

1 Scapegoat

1 Heavy Storm


Out of the ones that you posted anyway.


3) Magical Scientist, more OTK's.



Six Samurai

Counter Fairy


Monarchs/Perfect Circle/Twilight Circle


5) Crab Helmet

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1.Which card is the most Splashable?


Dark Armed Dragon


Heavy Storm

Morphing Jar

Mirror Force


uhh what do you mean by splashable? but if you mean best dark armed dragon


2.Question Two:


Which deck is the most solid build?





2x cyber dragons

1x airknight

1x marshmallon

1x reflect bounder

3x freed the brave wanderer

3x disciple of the forbidden spell

3x the light-hex sealed fusion

3x shinging angles

1x dd warrior lady

2x proto cyber dragon

1x ninja grandmaster sasuke



1x fissure

1x power bond

2x reinforcement of the army

2x shrinks

1 lightinig vortex

1x smashing ground

2x hammer shots

1x nobleman of crossout

1x monster reborn

1x scapegoat

1x brain control

1x mystical space typhoon

1x heavy storm



1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

1x magic cylinder



3x cyber twin

2x cyber end





Monsters: (19)

3 Rainbow Dark Dragon

3 D-Hero Plasma

3 D-Hero Dogma

3 Dark Creator

3 Phantom of Chaos

3 Demise, King of Armageddon

1 Dark Magician of Chaos


Spells: (21)

3 Trade-in

3 Destiny Draw

3 Reasoning

3 Monster Gate

3 Recurring Nightmare

3 Hand Severing

1 Card Destruction

1 Scapegoat

1 Heavy Storm




3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 Kuraz the Light Monarch

1 Raiza the Storm Monarch

2 Mystic Tomato

3 Gravekeeper's Spy

2 Cyber Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Card Trooper

1 DD Crow

1 DD Warrior Lady

2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Morphing Jar

1 Spirit Reaper


1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 Soul Exchange

1 Pot of Avarice

2 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Premature Burial

1 Heavy Storm



2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot




3 Judgment Dragon

3 Lyla lightsworn sorceress

3 Wulf

3 Lumina

3 Ehren lightsworn Monk

2 Celestia

2 Aurkus lightsworn druid

2 Guardian of order

1 Jain

1 Ryko


3 Solar Recharge

3 Monster Reincarnation

2 E - controllers

1 RotA

1 Prem

1 MR

1 Heavy



1 Torrential

1 Mirror Force

2 Divine Wrath


i think 3 because it has good effect monsters and stuff like that


Which of the following cards, if limited, would cause the most change to the Meta from its current standpoint?


Time Seal

Destiny Draw

Pot of Greed

Magical Scientist


Card Trooper

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Dark Armed Dragon

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai


samurai guy (they are the main decks so far)


Question Four:


Which of the Following decks are not Top Tier? Select Four.

Assume the use of English TCG legal cards are the only cards that may be used in the construction of these decks.


Gladiator Beast

Dark Armed Dragon



Six Samurai


Counter Fairy


Monarchs/Perfect Circle/Twilight Circle


zombie, counter fairy, DDT, dark and monarchs


Crab Helmet

Itachi (Remix)




Shea Mercer


crab by far


oh there are awnsers (i didnt know that)


awwww i got 3 wrong

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