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rate my moms card's


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These were made by you, otherwise you wouldn't snap back and be so offended.

You just wanted to see if it was good and make another card like this pretty soon. In this case, your card was crap and you failed in trying to keep from us that you made it. Plus, I doubt your mom is into yugioh cards. Only cool moms. Otherwise, these cards wouldn't be so noobish. And we all know this is your grammar, not your mom's...

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its my forem ill doubble post all i want


It's not your forum.


Double post all you want' date=' you're gonna pay for it when you get banned, not us.




if you dont like it then stop looking at it, BAKA


First of all, it doesn't matter if you started it, easily this can be locked.

And, if you made a bad card ( you, your mom, whatever ) and the people comment and say there's somthing wrong, must be because there is something wrong about it, so go there and fix this.

Just because you created the topic, doesn't mean you rule at everything.

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