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Organization XIII

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=O Here's today's contest post. Try and find the reference.


Soda' date=' is like, the best drink EVER, to the max. Other people try to imitate this drink, but it could never be the same. Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Cream Soda....I love all of them! I am totally serious, man. I mean, you don't want to drink carbonated WATER, do ya? So that settles it, Soda is FTW, and kicks other drinks in the ass.



It's pretty hard. Think you can figure it out?

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^^ Since no one figured it out (not like anyone even tried, aside from Larx), here's the solution:


Soda' date=' is like, the best drink EVER, to the ma[b']x[/b]. Other people try to immitate this drink, but it could never be the same. Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Cream Soda....I love all of them! I am totally serious, man. I mean, you don't want to drink carbonated WATER, do ya? So that settles it, Soda is FTW, and kicks other drinks in the ass.




Eeeeeeeyup. Seriously, what the hell happened to all of our members? No one posts here anymore except for myself, Saturn, Clariex, Kenpachi, and Roxas. MOTW occasionally posts here, Tobi and Davok post here SOMEtimes. Everyone else has gone completely inactive.

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Xemnas = One of the most active members, but isn't online as much as he used to be

Xigbar = Another active member. Yayz

Xaldin = Hasn't been online in quite a few days

Vexen = Not very active

Lexaeus = Not online often enough, and only posts in the RP

Zexion = Need I say anything?

Saïx = We don't have one right now

Axel = Only posts in the RP

Demyx = Usually only posts in the RP

Luxord = Only active on the other site

Marluxia = Active, but rarely posts in this thread

Larxene = Is totally smexy

Roxas = Obviously

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xD Sorry Xemnas. Here's a new one for today. I won't spoil the answer this time until everyone decides to give up.


This paragraph is important' date=' so pay attention to the Keywords. On top of paying attention to the keywords, Everyone should pay attention to the key letters. Failure to pay attention to the keywords and key letters can result in You easily not solving this thing. In addition, you'll want to look for Big irregularities in these sentences. An irregularity is something you really gotta Look for, though, As just grazing over the paragraph won't get you anywhere. You Don't want to look for random words, because it isn't going to be that obvious. Just keep trying, and you'll Eventually get it.




And on an unrelated note, yes, they are finally dead ^^. I tried to give everyone a part in the fight.

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