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Organization XIII

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I made these a while ago (because I had never made OXIII cards) and never did get around to asking for opinions on them.


Go easy on me with the images, as without my own editing software, I had no means of improving the images of Larxene and Marluxia beyond the free means I could find on the internet that didn't involve any downloading. So basically, Luna pic.

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xD Oh' date=' how upstanding of you, Rinne.


=D Because you guys are my club, I'ma share some information with you all, 'cuz I'm cool like that.


In mah fic, there are four main categories of Magic in People, and Fur main categories of Magic with Spell Cards.


In People, the categories are:


CREATE - Create magic is used to classify any type of magic that manifests something into the world. This includes Familiar-Users, Summoners, and Fortifyers, among others.


COMMAND - Command magic includes any type of magic that gives the User control over something, ranging from Elemental control, to Hypnotic control.


MODIFY - Modify magic includes any kind of magic power that alters, powers up, or detriments a person, object, or aspect of reality. This would include such things as Silencer's Biocentric variable ability.


SHAPELESS - Shapeless magic is any kind of magic that has no direct form, but manifests itself in reality based upon the individuals that use it. This would include such powers as Amethyst's Potential, or Riku's Amplifier.


Obviously, every category has several sub-classes. ^^ So, if you [i']haven't[/i] yet told me what kind of power you would prefer for my fic, you may suggest to me which category of power you would like. =o I make no promises though.


I'll take Create magic, and here is my power.


Davok, because of his split personalities, contains the ability to "see" the world from all different kinds of perspective, so even though some people believe that he focuses on one thing at a time, he sees the world from all different sides in a 360. The multiple personalities are usually when he attempts to focus on one thing at a time, and the effort causes his mind to "shift". But, when in battle Davok will focus not just on one thing, but everything around him at once. Not only does this stop him from being surprised and gives his extreme reflexes, but also the strain manifests itself in solid matter. So, Davok will usually have in battle a bunch of clones protecting him and attacking his opponents, and also Davok can easily command them from a vantage point. Also, his clones and also act for him if he's attacked from behind, etc. Kind of like Familiar. If it is a Familiar, call it Gemini. Davok also shares the consciousnesses of all his clones, and also his distorted view of the world grants him extreme reality altering powers.


That good?

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As for you' date=' you are typically a dark, menacing individual who frightens a lot of people. Unlike most Card Makers, you have multiple magic abilities (including transparency, necromancy, and Pyroclasmic Fortification).


Unfortunately, you also have a split personality, and shift into Da Skippah (who has no powers). When angered, Davok stays in control though.



That was what I had in mind a while ago. The Necromancy and Pyroclasmic Fortification stem from Create magic, but Transparency stems from Modify. Demyx actually has the Modify power, but is incapable of using it, making Davok the possessor of all three powers.


Instead of Clones, the Spirits of the dead he can summon will be the things that aid him in battle.

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As for you' date=' you are typically a dark, menacing individual who frightens a lot of people. Unlike most Card Makers, you have multiple magic abilities (including transparency, necromancy, and Pyroclasmic Fortification).


Unfortunately, you also have a split personality, and shift into Da Skippah (who has no powers). When angered, Davok stays in control though.



That was what I had in mind a while ago. The Necromancy and Pyroclasmic Fortification stem from Create magic, but Transparency stems from Modify. Demyx actually has the Modify power, but is incapable of using it, making Davok the possessor of all three powers.


Instead of Clones, the Spirits of the dead he can summon will be the things that aid him in battle.


Ah. Nevermind then.


Also, Mineku, I can't come up with anything to write THERE. So, post in it now so it doesn't die. xD

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I think Mineku should draw energy from his foes emotions, this lets him strengthen his physical stats to the point where "Hulk Smash" is a viable strategy for him. The emotions he absorbs gives him a monstrous shape making him look lupine. He gets stronger unless the foe is completely emotionless, one twitch of feeling and Mineku swells in power. Unfortunately Mineku is an expert on inciting emotional responses.


In short Mineku=ragepire

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I think Mineku should draw energy from his foes emotions' date=' this lets him strengthen his physical stats to the point where "Hulk Smash" is a viable strategy for him. The emotions he absorbs gives him a monstrous shape making him look lupine. He gets stronger unless the foe is completely emotionless, one twitch of feeling and Mineku swells in power. Unfortunately Mineku is an expert on inciting emotional responses.


In short Mineku=ragepire



That's actually pretty cool.


No love for Fen D:

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*Tackles Supreme Gamesmaster*


Yay! Hi fellow Heartless!


What's wrong with the current one?


Spells grow too quickly, as do MP. Old spells are rapidly obsoleted by new ones as a character grows in strength. Even master warlocks, in my opinion, should still have reason to use weak spells.


Offtopic: Reed teh noo comik pl0x. I iz needin teh revyooz.

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So, the FF2 system? Interesting concept.


Still, the levels would need to have very restricted function; in FF2, for example, the offensive spells at levels 4 and up act exactly like the Ra variations in other games, while demanding even less MP in relativity to the expected total than the Ra spells. And don't even get me started on the Aga spells.

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