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Organization XIII

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[spoiler=Hate me!]

The seaweed is always greener,

In somebody elses lake.


You dream about going up there,

but that is a big mistake!


Just look at the world around you,

right here on the ocean floor!


Such wonderful thins surround you,

what else is ya looking for!










Life sure is better down where it's wetter take it form meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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I wouldn't have minded KH2 Atlantica if there had actually been some friggin' combat. =o I didn't mind the songs at all, it was nostalgic.


Little Mermaid, Aladin, and Beauty and the Beast are the only classic Disney movies I really like. Lion King is ehhhhh.


But yeah, absence of fighting in KH2 Atlantica (not to mention reusing the same plot) = FAIL


My favorite World was actually Radiant Garden (if only because so many epic things happened there. Plus, the Cavern of Remembrance was an epic dungeon with epic music).

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