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Organization XIII

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It might be possible in FF7' date=' since there was a part where he was in your party during a flashback.



Hehe. I may buy FF7 just for that reason. >=3 Oh, and I did it in KH2. Though he spoke and sounded like Sora. >.> It was retarded, watching Sephiroth ask himself who he was. . . >.>

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You'll want to bribe Chimera Brains for them. They'll give you 2 for a Bribe of 196' date='000 Gil - double the bribe and it usually doubles the reward.



xD Also, I think Nexev will enjoy this. He likes to abuse Riku a lot....so here's an image of Vexen doing that to Axel (their respective (positions in this club)






This is win, also a realistic example of day to day life in orginization XIII


I thought we were buddies. ='(

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xD Wow.


I'd like to see that.


But good luck finding FF7' date=' cause it's really rare if you don't buy it online. The one I have cost 70$.



I had to get a new one once, cousin broke my old one to make a long story short, I went all around town to try and escape the $50+ cost. In desperation I took a three and a half hour drive to New York City and spent another two hours looking for it. Then there it was, shamefully on the five dollar shelf of a two-bit game store in NYC!

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=O Yeah, you can play as Seph in VII. xD VII is probably one of the most hackable games in the series.


You can replace Cloud's overworld Model with Sephiroth's (though since he's in Cloud's place, part of his long hair gets cut off), you can replace Cloud's in-battle model with him (though he'll still have any materia Cloud had equipped), and you can even hack Scenes in.


Due to the programming they used, there's a program you can download on the internet that will allow you to create a scene. It's interactive, and basically tells you to:


1) Pick the location of the scene (it will provide a list of in-game locations)


2) Pick which character models are in the scene (it will also give you a list, as well as the limit for how many characters can be in the location you chose)


3) Ask you to input all the text for your scene (including who's saying what)


4) And lastly, it will ask you to input character actions (ex: "Character: Vincent Action: Walk Off-Screen Timing: After Speech bubble #12)

After you're done, it will generate the codes, and you can input them into a PS1 Gameshark - then, viola! Start your FFVII game, and as soon as you walk into the area you chose, your scene will occur!



That said and done, Lar, what exactly don't you like about the Sphere Grid?

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Duely noted' date=' you two.


I'm still figuring out all the powers for everyone who appears, while trying to make everyone slightly unique.


Difficult task.



I'll help


Nexev: He doesn't have a weapon but creates stuff from Ice, since he can grow ice and stuff he is dangerous. Also he himself is made from a ice like substance so you actually can't kill him outright, only weaken his mental mindest enough that he can't control his own body. Very dangerous.


Riku: About as deadly as Nexev but is still abused by Nexev since Nexev is indestructible (this is why he doesn't fight back, he doesn't bother anymore) His glove has sharp talons where his fingers should be, the claw is connected to his bloodstream and the talons have little holes in them about the size of needles tip, Riku can either use the talons to drain blood and absorb it through the holes or draw out his own blood through the talons (his blood is highly combustible and will ignite).


Sleevecard: Has earth and light powers (founder of Celestial Project) he uses his powers to create stone from light which are as strong as diamonds (and just as shiny). Also he is a wiggum fighter, which means he can do things that defy reality and make sense. (Ask True or watch/ read Bobobo for more info about them)


Bloodrun: He has weapons designed to draw blood, this is because once the blood is exposed to air he can control it and increase the blood flow, essentially making the foe bleed to death.


Icy: A paladin with ice based holy powers instead of light.

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@Lar: =O You know, there are items called Distillers - throwing them at an enemy makes them drop spheres of the appropriate nature (An Ability Distiller would make a foes drop Ability Spheres).


=O And in the international version, there are new "Extract" skills that work just like distillers.


._. And what's so confusing about moving around a board, activating little spaces, and gaining stats/abilities by doing so?

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The world that never was?


That's in Kingdom Hearts 2' date=' not Final Fantasy VII


Unless you meant you were going to make a version of TWTNW in FFVII via editing.



Yes, KH2. I think I wanna put some faces on Donald and Goofy too. I'll make one of 'em Chuck Norris.


xD Chuck Norris as Donald? WIN.

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The world that never was?


That's in Kingdom Hearts 2' date=' not Final Fantasy VII


Unless you meant you were going to make a version of TWTNW in FFVII via editing.



Yes, KH2. I think I wanna put some faces on Donald and Goofy too. I'll make one of 'em Chuck Norris.


xD Chuck Norris as Donald? WIN.




You should replace one of the Organization members with Darth maul. XD


Or change their dialog.

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Aren't cheat codes great?


I wonder if there are codes to change the dialogue in TWEWY.



Also, I just spend the last 2 hours making this avatar for absolutely no reason.




Those flower things were actually just released about half an hour ago and I was lucky enough to get a cheap one. xD

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The world that never was?


That's in Kingdom Hearts 2' date=' not Final Fantasy VII


Unless you meant you were going to make a version of TWTNW in FFVII via editing.



Yes, KH2. I think I wanna put some faces on Donald and Goofy too. I'll make one of 'em Chuck Norris.


xD Chuck Norris as Donald? WIN.




You should replace one of the Organization members with Darth maul. XD


Or change their dialog.


Okay, picture this:


Xemnas: Darth Vader

Demyx: Adam Sandler

and Luxord: Homer Simpson. 8)

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FFX is really easy if you use the sphere grid correctly. I have been playing TWEWY and i was wondering how long is the game to beat and when you beat it is there new things to do?

I was naive the first time I played FFX, I was playing on a file my brother was using so the tutorials were already done with.


The first time I played FFX I was at the part where you have to play blitzball with wakka in the tournament and I was like "Why do my guys only have like one ability and low attack?" My brother looks over and says. "Are you using your sphere grid?" I look back with a confused look. "My what?"

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