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Organization XIII

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=o I refuse to issue anymore spoilers. However, I WILL say that Riku, you haz the Power to Boost magic, making you a dangerous Spell Card amplifier.


And yes Nexev, you haz fortification magic. Meaning you can make things from very little, or even nothing.

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=o I refuse to issue anymore spoilers. However' date=' I WILL say that Riku, you haz the Power to Boost magic, making you a dangerous Spell Card amplifier.


And yes Nexev, you haz fortification magic. Meaning you can make things from very little, or even nothing.



So I'm powerless on my own?

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=O You DO have Spell Cards of your own. It's the Card-Maker Kingdom. Everyone has Spell Cards. Yours are more dangerous than most, though, due to your Magic.


Also, your weapon (the object you channel your Spell Cards through) is a Claw you wear on your right/left hand (depending on if you're right/left-handed)

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Wait, is that solus shade over thier?


I had two ideas for the fic 1. Me and Icy fight in the final battle and two is one so ridiculos that only if you ask will I mention it, it does allow us to reappear in season 2 of the manga though.

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