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Organization XIII

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Fenrir accepted. I already know he's a good member. =p


And as for Mineku's question, I am probably Zexion. In real life, I act much less... um... like this: ^_^ =3 =P xD


^ That doesn't happen so much in real life. And I do enjoy plotting. And scheming. And I am definitely not lacking in inteligence. Plus, I can copy his hairstyle, and have his complexion. xD

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I would probably be some soft spoken genius philosopher' date=' don't know who fits that role though.[/b']

@Taiga: Can you be more specific, it's a big ocean of anime. Try fitting this in a avitar and see how it goes



You're out of your vector! *Slaps himself for using math reference*


Honestly, nobody really fits that description.

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Allow me to say this. If we can discuss members on other sites (This applies to you too Bloodrun, since I know you visited the entire site that hates you), then that's fine. I just want Saturn to be punished for constantly stalking this thread, who btw gave a really poor reason with "I'm doing what you should have done." Darth, you know that Larxene was doing a similar thing with trying to get Ragnarok banned, but I rather dislike Saturn constantly stalking this thread, regardless of what we're talking about. Zex, I agree with you, and I'll do my best to take all other conversations to Drift. I'm glad to see that the club is restickied, and to maintain it's status there, I'll implement new rules.


Also, Taiga and Fenrir accepted.

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