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It is as I feared: Saturn knows Al Bhed.

Ra'c hud dra uhmo uha. ;)


Seriously, I'm really sick of you guys ragging on Ragnarok all the time. If you hate him so much then just forget about him and talk about something else. Constantly complaining about him doesn't make anything better, and is just plain stupid.


If you see him spamming, send me a PM with a link to it and I will take appropriate action. Until then, shut up about it.


And that goes for anyone else as well. Flaming is no more allowed inside this group than on the rest of the board, even in other languages.

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We didn't even talk about ragnarok here in this thread recently. =.="


He was mentioned once here I think, when a subject about our new Xigbar was brought up.


Saturn is just being a paranoid prick and tries to put everything against us in a desperate attempt to bring us down.

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We didn't even talk about ragnarok here in this thread recently. =.="


He was mentioned once here I think' date=' when a subject about our new Xigbar was brought up.


[b']Saturn is just being a paranoid prick and tries to put everything against us in a desperate attempt to bring us down.[/b]

With this thread's turnover rate, I consider 4 pages to be recent.


Plus, it's more of a reminder anyway. Some of the people in this club slip back into incorrect behavior relatively easily.


Bold: Well, Eternal Zodiac did flame him rather nastily a few pages back.

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We didn't even talk about ragnarok here in this thread recently. =.="


He was mentioned once here I think' date=' when a subject about our new Xigbar was brought up.


[b']Saturn is just being a paranoid prick and tries to put everything against us in a desperate attempt to bring us down.[/b]

With this thread's turnover rate, I consider 4 pages to be recent.


Plus, it's more of a reminder anyway. Some of the people in this club slip back into incorrect behavior relatively easily.


Bold: Well, Eternal Zodiac did flame him rather nastily a few pages back.


Everyone kept asking why Larxene hated the last person who held a certain position here, and Larxene did not want to mention it, so to satisfy everyone's curiosity, I told them it was Saturn, who I know was the one that got Larxene banned. Eternal Zodiac only "flamed him rather nastily" because he was outraged to know who got Saturn banned.


Like Larxene said, we haven't insulted Ragnarok in a while, so that's actually not a good excuse for removing this thread's sticky. He's banned until next week, so I discouraged talking about him because of that. That doesn't mean I'm going to encourage talking about him when he's unbanned, because that will only worsen things. In fact, we only mentioned Ragnarok only because he's friends with Saturn. If you're going to bring up Reaper Game, that was because Saturn is getting flamed because he keeps stalking this thread for no apparent reason, which I'm pretty sure borders upon mini-modding.

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Everyone kept asking why Larxene hated the last person who held a certain position here' date=' and Larxene did not want to mention it, so to satisfy everyone's curiosity, I told them it was Saturn, who I know was the one that got Larxene banned. Eternal Zodiac only "flamed him rather nastily" because he was outraged to know who got Saturn banned.


Like Larxene said, we haven't insulted Ragnarok in a while, so that's actually not a good excuse for removing this thread's sticky. He's banned until next week, so I discouraged talking about him because of that. That doesn't mean I'm going to encourage talking about him when he's unbanned, because that will only worsen things. In fact, we only mentioned Ragnarok only because he's friends with Saturn. If you're going to bring up Reaper Game, that was because Saturn is getting flamed because he keeps stalking this thread for no apparent reason, which I'm pretty sure borders upon mini-modding.


It doesn't excuse the flaming, though, but that's already been taken care of. And, Saturn didn't "get Larxene banned," no one member has that ability. Larxene was banned exactly for the reason her ban said, not because of an individual's personal vendetta against her. If the staff ran like that, how would we function properly?


In regards to the sticky, I don't know who removed it, as I didn't.


Final note: Just please remember not to flame.

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I was banned for other reasons' date=' but Saturn was the catalyst that got me banned.


If we're talking catalysts, then this club was the catalyst that got Ragnarok banned, which led to Saturn watching you guys and being the catalyst for your ban. Linking all the chains together, your own club was responsible for your ban, yet i see no negative comments about your fellow club members, only Saturn and Ragnarok.


If you guys would just report rule-breakers and move on like you're supposed to, rather than bringing it here to obsess, brood, and sometimes flame over, none of this would have happened and you probably wouldn't have been banned.

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Actually, for the most part, discussions about ragnarok mostly took place on the old Drift, not here.


It was mentioned here a few times unfortunately, something I never really meant to happen. =.="


Saturn watching us is just because he has nothing better to do.





Seriously, aren't you like 25 or something?





No, that's not flaming. It's me giving (not so) helpful advice. ;)

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Darth, several other members outside of this club were annoyed with ragnarok, and I know J-Max himself had filed for ragnarok's ban, which you yourself had repealed. The fact that we don't have negative comments as frequently as against Ragnarok and Saturn is becuase we can tolerate one another, whereas Ragnarok's tendency to contribute relatively nothing to the topic, his outrageous flood rate, and Saturn's inability to understand why we and several members outside of this club find Ragnarok such best.


All Saturn does is stalk this thread without making a single post, so I don't see why he should get off free. He could just make a post saying "Hey, could you guys ease up on Ragnarok and myself?", and we just might stop. Honestly, I cannot see how that's so hard.


Like Larxene said, Saturn should just get a girlfriend, since he's 25, doesn't have many obligations other than trying to get back at us from behind the scenes, so he should have more of a life.


.:Lawliet:., now is probably the worst time to speak Al Bhed.

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