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Organization XIII

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xD I'm clearly behind on my Touhou! *desperately needs a computer*


=.=;; I can only remember the more epic characters right now. Like Flandre, Remelia, and Alice.


Oh, and Sakuya.


Also, in FFX, who did you have the most trouble with - Seymour Flux (Gagazet) or Seymour Omnis (Sin)? I personally thought Omnis was easier.

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xD Is that right? Lol. I remember what she looks like, but can't remember everything...


Yeah. I think what made Omnis easier was the lack of the Mortibody. Plus, Seymour Flux had the annoying habit of inflicting Zombie on you, and then followed immediately with Full-Life. (I gave Rikku Auto-Med so that she would cure Zombie and always be at least one survivor).

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Oh snap, I remember her.


And yeah, that laser was Full-Life - it looks like a ray shining down on the character. So if they had Zombie and he hit them with it, they'd die.


Lol, my first time playing, I pussied out and just charged all my Aeons Overdrives before the battle, and just spammed them. xD

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I suck at Touhou. Dx


I can beat the "final boss" on Normal Mode, usually with only one continue, but I've never once gotten to an extra stage.


PCB would be easier if the boss patterns weren't so funked up. >.>;


Sometimes they're completely random.

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Endless Winter is that fan-made one. The one with that boss that has pwnsome music.


If I recall correctly, I downloaded an Actual Touhou game a while ago, can't remember which, then saw youtube videos from Endless Winter, so I downloaded that one and got rid of the other one.


But I got real interested in the Touhou story, so I read up on all the characters and watched battles on Youtube all the time.


But since it's been a while, I can't remember everything. =o So I've never played more than one actual Touhou game. And I never got very far in that one, either.

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