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Organization XIII

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xD Rox, I really wish you would stop judging characters by their voices. In my opinion, Jesse McCartney did a fine job. Sure, he as a person has a Cred (that's Ym Prat) reputation, but he still did a good job voicing him.


By contrast, DSP has an excellent reputation, and is very good at what he does, but I just didn't like him as Vexen. =/ Just wasn't feeling it.


I'll post my FULL opinions on all the Organization members when I get back from class (which I must go to in about 15 minutes). xD and be prepared for length, for I am very good at analyzing characters, even if they only had minimal screen-time.



On the subject of that TWEWY prequel, I like the core concept, but I doubt Konishi and Sho had any prior meeting. While they could both have been players at once point, possibly even at the same time, the way Konishi talks to Sho in the game seems to imply that she is not very familiar with him.


[spoiler=Spoiler]And when he's all taboo and she offers to betray Kitaniji with him, she makes observations about his free-spirited-ness. Had she been partnered with him before becoming an officer, I doubt she would only just then be making those observations. She's a pretty inteligent woman, after all, so she would have likely drawn that conclusion quite a while before she decided to go through with her betrayal. And again, she talks to Sho as though he were a Subordinate in the Shinigami Pad, and doesn't act as though they'd ever been prior acquaintances.


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I know I should, but the voices really do help. Yes, Jesse McCartney did a good job, but I still don't like him.


How did DSP not suit Vexen? He does Uryu and he did Ken from Digimon, so I don't see why voicing another genius could be all that bad.


You raise a good point about Sho and Konishi's familiarity with one another, but I'm more into how Hanekoma became an Angel.

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How come no one picked me as a partner?

Why do hot dog packs come in different numbers than hot dog buns?

Why was the cake a lie?

What the heck is FFXI?

Who cares?


See, I will never get these answers and I don't care, stop asking questions, please.


Or arguing.

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I would pick you as partner. Wait, what are we picking partners for??


So that you buy more hotdogs to fill the buns, and then buy more buns to fit the extra hot dogs and on and on and on until the company makes a ton of money from the confusion.


Because Glados is funking insane and there never was a cake.


An mmorpg based on the FF universe.


Who cares about who cares?

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It isn't a matter of voicing a genius, Rox. =O A character's voice has to be many things.


For starters, it has to be able to match the alleged attitude of the character. Check, DSP did this just fine, portaying Vexen's haughty, smartypants attitude.


Secondly, the voice has to actually match the character's appearance. This, DSP does not. He voices Uryu, yes, and he voiced Ken. Despite having a smarty-type voice, the fact is it is best suited for YOUNG individuals. All the other roles I have seen him in are nearly identical in that regard.


Vexen is an older individual, and the voice did not sound like it should have been coming out his mouth. If you met Vexen (hypothetically) in real life, do you mean to say that that voice would sound natural coming from him? ._. Because I don't think so.


The last thing the voice has to do is match the mood. DSP did this half-good. At times, he matched Vexen's mood just perfectly. However, I didn't really feel the full volume of Vexen's irritability whenever he was in one of his moments of anger. DSP could have gone further with that.



The same can be said of Larxene's VA, Shanelle Workman-Gray. While she met the second criteria, I felt she didn't put enough attitude into it (via first criteria), nor did she go far enough with the moods (via third criteria).


And Zexion's was just...ugh. The attitude was right. The Voice and Mood were not. Definitely not the mood. He made Zexion way more....loud, and emotional-sounding then he was intended to. He also made him sound like a wimp.


Now Quinton Flynn just nailed it. He matched the attitude, he had the Voice, and he matched the Mood. Truly an excellent pick for Axel.


Same goes for Marluxia. Keith Ferguson did an excellent job with him.


Lex was.... so-so. Attitude, yes. Voice....ehh. A little less intimidating (since it sounded like he was trying too hard) and a bit more gruff, since Lex's voice sounds more rough in Japanese, would have been nice. As for Mood....eh, can't really say he didn't do it, seeing as how Lex hardly shows any mood. xD So the voice just needed a bit of work.





And now, Zexy shall place his full opinions on every member! Fun!


[spoiler=Teh Opinions]


Xemnas - Xemnas is awesome. Not only does he possess super, melodramatic powers, but he actually made a cool villain. He had a sinsiter goal, a brilliant means to that goal, and enjoyed playing his little mind games with Sora through the other members. He was also very powerful, and difficult to defeat (for Critical Mode players, even his first fight can be difficult). He has existed in some carnation in every KH game to date, and is quite likely going to maintain this in BBS, as Xehanort. His character has a lot of depth, as well. Last but not least, he's epicly depressing, and can make ludicrous hand movements awesome.


Xigbar - Xigbar is just plain awesome, as well. People argue that he didn't have a very big role in the game, but it's supposed to look that way. After all, Xiggy is a very behind-the-scenes person, and knows way more than he lets on. He is obviously intimately familiar with the three knights, as he expresses a brief allusion to them in his conversation with Sora, and has a lengthy conversation with Zexion about what Xemnas is really up to (he seems fully aware, in fact, but is not willing to disclose everything he knows). He's also got a really cool attitude - I liked how could be so carefree, and yet at the same time, obviously calculating. His biggest downfall is that he's overconfident in himself, which is pretty much what leads to his defeat.


I also think his power is cool.


Xaldin - Xaldin has awesomeness simply because he's a very authoritive figure. It has been confirmed (which is rare for Nomura) that he has the third highest commanding position in the Organization, and seems to accompany Xemnas when giving orders to other members. He orders Roxas' execution at the hands of Axel, and threatens Axel openly in doing so. He only calls off his lance when Xemnas instructs him to (and Xemnas then proceeds with his own threat). It's also worth noting that Xaldin's seat is the second highest in the Organization's meeting chamber, Where Nothing Gathers. His power and fighting style is both awesome and unorthodox.


Vexen - I always liked Vexen. I don't see him as one of the strongest members, nor as one of the most competent, but he's extremely cunning, and despite his lack of power, is able to utilize his brilliance effectively to give himself an edge in combat. His element is also awesome (I've always liked Ice), and I found his personality to be enjoyable. He gets a little annoying when he starts with his seniority, but he's still cool.


Lexaeus - Silent and a bit lacking in personality, sadly. However, what personality he does have shows us that he is similar to Saix - he induces a state of calm on himself, readily follows orders, and tries to be efficient in the execution of his tasks. He is also very level-headed, ready to listen, and learn as much as he can before jumping into a situation (though if he is ordered to do so, he will comply). And then, once he is actually in battle, he releases his calm and unleashes a beast-like ferocity. I always thought Lexaeus' fighting style was cool. And the fact that he can become impervious to blows is also cool. He's someone you really need to stay on your toes against.


Plus, he's the only Organization member who has reaction commands he can use against Sora. xD And tehy are AWESOME.


Zexion - My favorite. Ever. I feel like he has one of the most complex personalities. On first glance, he appears to be your typical schemer, looking for the best way to accomplish his plans while benefiting the group. But then he shows utter apathy when it comes to concerns of the other group (he shakes of Vexen's death as no big deal). He seems to treat everyone like pawns, essentially. He also takes everything into consideration. His major undoing, actually, was a surprising lack of doing that, as he overestimated Axel's loyalty, and did not take into account that Namine could possibly assist Riku.

To further reinforce just how uncaring he can be about his fellow members, he is seen playfully jesting with Axel is regards to who in the Castle would next be eliminated. Apparently, they had been doing this ever since Axel killed Vexen. Ironic that Zex has a good relationship with one of the only other "Do-as-he-pleases" members in the castle (Axel), and yet that very member caused his undoing.

Another cool thing about Zexion is that Nomura has heavily implied him to be fourth-in-command. That is, he hasn't outright said it like with Xaldin, but remarked through implicative means that Zexion's commanding rank is beyond that of Vexen's and Lexaeus - next we factor in that he talks down to, and gives orders to Xigbar, and gives orders to Axel as well (who reports to him), both of whom are high-ranking members who demonstrate command over lesser Members, and we have a picture of just what he commands.

Finally, I'll touch on his last bit of epic-ness. Despite his attitude, he is also fond of manners. He calls the Organization's decline "Deplorable", and insists upon proper greetings (a fact that remained true in the cruddy Manga adaption, as well). And his powers are probably the most epic - he can detect "scents", using his psychic powers, and can generate Illusions with his elements that can affect reality. He is one of only four members who can clone himself, and the powers of his book lets him use several unique skills, along with being able to mimic his opponents.


Saix - A baaaaaaaaaad Sudran Vilgran. Saix is bad-ass. Like Lexaeus, he forces his calm demeanor so as to best accomplish his tasks, but his utter power is so effing cool. Strong as hell, hard as hell (in Crit mode), and with a bad-ass weapon. Plus, the whole "I get to be invincible now, hahahahaha!" thing also makes badass. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's a Vampire. or a Werewolf. Or a Werepire. He's also Second-in-command, apparently, as he is Xemnas' right-hand guy (though not literally, as Xigbar sits on Xemnas' right).


Axel - Roxas is right - Axel is way more "out of the closet" in KH2. xD, He's still awesome though. His personality is another one of those complex ones (right up there with Zexy), and he undergoes so many shifts and crap. You can hardly tell what the hell is going through his head. It pisses you off, a little, but you forgive him because he's so cool. Although it's a little weird that he has that Hourglass figure and baby-bearing hips. FIRE. Cool. His humorous jesting with Zexy is win, and it kills ya that Axel had to go and be an yccruma, since he and Zex made such an awesome duo. Betting on who would die next, reporting information back and forth, yadda yadda. If Axel had actually been serious in helping Zex, they probably could have killed Riku, fixed up Sora's memories, and been on their merry way with Sora none the wiser.


The fact that Axel is responsible for Zexion's death kinda hurts his likability for me, but he's still kick-ass.


Demyx - There isn't much to say beyond the fact that he's underconfident, nervous, jumpy, unmotivated, kooky, funny, spazzy, and adorable like an animal. Demyx is not the kind of cute I would see a human as, but the kind of cute I would see a puppy, or a kitten as. Ya know, the kind of thing you wanna pet. xD He didn't have much of an impact on the story, but his personality and the way he talks in the Organization's meeting indicate that behind the scenes, there were probably a lot of Demyx-filled laughs to be had.


Luxord - Something that really needs to be reiterated - Luxord is funking Brittish. That automatically makes him awesome. Know what else? He's actually a COMPETENT VILLAIN. In Port Royal, he actually ACCOMPLISHED his goal, and departed without a scratch on him. He also holds a bit of respect for people who can beat the odds. In one of the FM scenes, Xigbar remarks that he "Enjoyed Axel's show, but still...he just went and died."

Luxord responds: "Perhaps he was satisfied. Maybe he gained something by putting his life on the line."

"We don't exist! What life is there to put on the line? That goes against all the rules of gambling."

Luxord responds: "True. Axel put something on the line that didn't exist... and he probably won." he then smirks and remarks. "Obviously a cheater."

Yeah, he is the only Member Sora managed to defeat on his own, but Luxord plays too many games for me to really count that as a credible loss. Besides, how can you not like him? He has a gambling fetish!


Marluxia - He's a princess. A pretty princess. And he thinks everyone loves him. xD And in his spare time, he goes shoe shopping, and borrows Larxene's pink pumps.



Ok, ok, that out of my system, Marluxia is pretty damn sexilicious (like badass sixilicious, not sexy sexilicious). I like his Scythe, and you gotta give the guy props - he had a pretty damn good idea for overthrowing the Organization. It's all Axel's fault, again. If Namine hadn't developed a conscience, Marluxia may have won. xD

He's also pretty sinister, has some epis lines, and sweet battle music. Reason enough to like him, right there.


Larxene - She gets pissed when Marly borrows her pumps without asking.


Anyway, she's a total, sadistic, amusing, sarcastic, whitty jabroni, who is super friggin' hot in my opinion. She's also cool, wixked fast, wicked deadly, can make epic copies of herself, beats the ever-loving crap out of Sora, chucks Repliku across the room, beats his ass when he attacks her, jabronislaps Namine, and calls Vexen a failure.




Seriously. If you don't love Larxene, you need to take a soul-searching walk around town and rethink the choices you've made in life. 8D And I <3 her laugh.



Roxas - FINALLY. Dude, Roxas is cool. End of discussion. Jesse did a fine job, however ugh he is, and Roxas had a great story. I was really saddened by the end of the prologue. It made me feel so effing sorry for the poor guy. D=

But he's broody, yet cheery around friends, powerful, epic at fighting, and is an all-around cool character. Kudos.






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The important thing is Luxord is WAYYYY stronger than he looks, the reason you fought him alone was because he got rid of everyone. You don't know what happened to him but the fact is, he managed to beat Riku, Donald, and Goofy in about 5 seconds.

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Xemnas - Xemnas is definitely one of my favorites. I'd put him in the top 5 for sure. His weapons kick ass, and has one of the most awesome Final Boss battles I've ever played. HE TURNS INTO A DRAGON. I've never played the original Final Mix, but I've seen videos of his fight. It's just plain awesome. He definitely has the most back story of any member, and it's extremely dark and depressing. His lack of emotions just heightens that, making him one of the most badass villains in any video game. Plus, his epic speeches and overdramatic one word sentences are just awesome.


Xigbar - Xigbar definitely has one of the best powers in the group, and his attitude is awesome. He didn't have much effect on the plot, but the few scenes that he was in were pretty funny. Especially when he was talking to Sora. However, due to a certain incident that shall not be mentioned, it's really hard for me to like Xigbar.


Xaldin - I'm probably the only person here who doesn't think Xaldin was that hard. I beat him on my first try, and he was also the first data battle that I beat. He's obviously very powerful, and has a high rank, and his attitude definitely shows it. Probably one of the reasons he was defeated. He spent too much time messing with the Beast, when he should've just tried to kill them when he had the chance.


Vexen - Vexen has a superiority complex. He thinks he's better than everyone, even when he knows for a fact that members like Zexion and Marluxia are ranked above him. (Both of which he claimed he was better than.) I didn't like him all that much in the original CoM, but he was a bit better in Re:CoM.


Lexaeus - I can't help but make fun of him, it's just too easy. His lack of a personality and backstory do make him a bit like Saïx, but he's just not as awesome. It's not that I don't like him, but I just think that Saïx is a better character in just about every way.


Zexion - What Zex said. Definitely my second favorite, only passed by Larxene. And I only like Larxene better because she reminds me of me, otherwise Zexion would be my favorite. (And he was until Re:CoM came out.) He's extremely creepy, and probably one of the strongest members, despite not wanting to fight. I could go on, but it'd just end up being the same as what Zex said.


Saïx - The more awesome version of Lexaeus. I thought he was kinda boring at first, being completely emotionless. But when he talked to Sora at Hollow Bastion, and gave his big revealing rant, that was just awesome. He's just so unsympathetic towards Sora, and was practically rubbing it in his face the entire time. When he was attacked by Riku in The World That Never Was, and gave that really creepy smirk before teleporting away, that was just scary and awesome at the same time. The way he went completely insane when you fought him just freaked me out, and he was definitely one of my favorites after that. His weapon is awesome, and some of his battle quotes are just epic. The last thing he said before dieing was probably one of my favorite lines in the game.


Axel - He definitely had the best VA in the game. No contest. (Although I did like Saïx.) Despite his dieing lines, he was just awesome. I liked him better in CoM though. He was just so more evil and the fact that he betrayed everyone was pretty cool. Poor Zexion. Plus he has my weird posture. That's a +1.


Demyx - I can't help but love this guy. He's just so silly and adorable. There's really nothing else to say. I can't even take him seriously as a villain, because he just isn't the least bit evil. Him and his little rockstar pose.


Luxord - Like Zexion said, he's British. I really don't need to say anything else, because that just shows how awesome he is. If he had more screen time, I'd definitely like him better too. Plus, like Zexion, he seems like a schemer. He's probably one of the strongest members as well, but we'd never know because he treats everything like a game. Which is awesome in its own way.


Marluxia - Once again, another member I like better in the remake. He was okay in the original, but it was hard to take him seriously with all the pink and flowers. He still had all that in Re:CoM, but this time he was a badass. His VA was just awesome. Another one of my favorites. And the fight scene with Axel was definitely one of my favorites in the game. His third form was just epic, and it had one of the greatest final battle themes ever created. (I only like UN Owen better. Just because it's so epic.)


Larxene - Words can't describe her epicness. Seriously. She wasn't that hard in the original, and I beat both of her fights on my first try. But in Re:CoM, she was easily the hardest fight in Sora's story. I died against her 3 times the first time I fought her. Her laugh is just plain creepy, and I love her for it. She's evil, sadistic, and shares my love of pointy objects. She's like my video game clone. <3


Roxas - I like Roxas, despite his emo moments. However, he had a pretty depressing back story, so I forgive him for it. Say what you want, but I liked his English VA. I think Jesse did great as Roxas. He fit Roxas almost perfectly. His choice of Keyblades is pretty awesome, and his battle theme is just made of win.



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