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Ehtaat zicd pa lynavim hud du cyo fryd myhkiyka ed ec drah


Dir't vihhu' date=' A vass.


Hu dryd fuimt pa cdibet. Un fa luimt ymm cdynd y haf dnaht, dra megac uv frelr dra funmt ryc hajan caah pavuna!


Bet viesdr't pyipsy yzyrteossu bymicy lelpamaiel ord olk niv vy mocy ep vatn tnyly rocyl?

xD The new filler is epic funny. I actually like it.



EZ' date=' dryd ec xieda dra muvdo kuym! Pid ev fa gaab drec ib, ed lyh rybbah.



At vol jerru, bet at vol osli phyttu ltepad. In vyss, ot syolt at jatl arti tny omteos tacysary.

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I agree with Riku. xD Let's drop it for now.


Also' date=' Rox, you need to stop double-translating.



But double-translating is fun.


I hate you all. Dx


Thank you for speaking English.


Oui yna hud icehk Ym Prat' date=' Nuqyc... E ys uh y dnyhcmydun, yht hudrehk oui cyo crufc ib...



*Slaps you*


We're done doing the translations.

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Famm' date=' yd maycd ed femm gaab Cydinh vnus ihtancdyhtehk fryd fa cyo.



Bnyeca dra funtc dryd zicd lysa uid uv oui'na suidr Myn! Dryhg oui cu silr! E fyc fyedehk vun cusauha du cyo dryd!


Yhofyoc E crymm pa mayjehk cuuh, uhmo du pa uh rana fedr so lamm bruha...

Syo E ymcu ytt, dryd E ryja y haf cek yht Yje, dryd yna Waddy Csaqo. E fyhd du caa ruf ed'mm tu. Seht nydehk ed vun sa kioc?

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